A Valentine Like No Other

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"Wait!" I called out.

"What?" Dongwan asked.

"You almost forgot your wallet," I handed him the wallet.

"Thanks," he said then kissed me on the forehead. I blushed but didn't let him see.

"See you later when I get home!" He said goodbye and left for work.

Ah, now I can plan my surprise for my dear Wannie.

See, today is Valentine's Day and I have to make something for him. I want to repay all the kindness and love he has given me for the last two years of our married life.

"Now, shall we get started?" I said while smiling.

I gathered the art materials that I have hidden in our storage room and brought all the things I would need to our living room.

"Now, I just need my creative juices to flow in my brain," I muttered.

This is my problem. I have troubles when it comes to making something. I am the most uncreative type of person you'll ever meet in your life. So, I searched the net to find some ideas.

"Explosive box, love letters, letting your loved one solve a puzzle... Ack! My eyes hurt from all these information," I complained.

I rested for a bit and while resting, I gave the suggestions on the net some thought.

"Explosive boxes would take some time to do manually... Love letters are so cheesy already... While letting him solve puzzles... NOT the best idea." I don't want my Wannie to be more tired after going home from work so that won't do.

"Argh!" I screamed. I'm so frustrated at myself for being so uncreative. I don't want Wannie to get nothing from me on Valentine's Day. ╯ω╰

I looked at the wall clock above the television.


It's been six hours already since Wannie left and seven more hours till he gets home.

"Ah, my brain is fried already. I have to fix myself some food.

I went to the kitchen and cooked some ramen and kimchi for my late lunch.

"Wow, I am so surprised at myself for not accomplishing anything for the last six hours. I give myself a pat on the back," I sarcastically said and slurped my noodles.

After having a mental battle with myself, I put the dishes aside and went back to the living room.

"I'll just clean those later."

As I was tired, I laid on the couch. "I'll just take a nap for ten minutes and resume all those." Then I drifted to sleep.

I suddenly awoke when I heard my phone ringing. It was my alarm clock, signalling it's already 19:00 and I should prepare dinner so that Wannie will hav--


I looked at my phone and wondered if I was dreaming. "Is it really 19:00? Shoot!"

I scrambled to get up and went to the kitchen. SCREW THE SURPRISE! I need to fix Oppayam some dinner! I quickly washed the dishes I used this afternoon and cooked rice and some side dishes. I fixed the table and after doing that, I went back to the living room to clean the mess I had made.

"Aaahhh! I have not made anything for Oppayam! <(゜ロ゜;)> I am the worst!"

Feeling regret for not doing anything, I went to clean the mess and kept the art materials back to the storage room. Just after I had finished cleaning, the foods that I have cooked are ready. I set the table, with the rice in the middle, and put the side dishes along with the drinks.

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