Yurio's Happy Song

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*Okay this will be the last one I copy from my other crack book 😂*

Yurio: I am really special cuz there's only one of me! Look at my smile I'm so damn happy, other people are jealous of me!

Yurio: When I'm sad and lonely, I like to sing this song. It cheers me up and tells me that I wont be sad for long!

Yurio: Oh, oh, oh *that sounds wrong plz no*

Yurio: I'm so happy, I can barely breath! Puppy dogs and sugar frogs and kitten's baby teeth! (Whut)

Yurio: I'm really happy, I'm s-sugar coated me?? Happy good, anger bad, that's my philosophy!

Yurio: *talks to Yuuri* I can't do this, man. I'm not happy....

Yurio: I'm really special cuz there's only one of me!! Look at my smile, I'm so damn happy, other people are jealous of me!

Yurio: These are my left handles, and this is my spout. But if you tip me over then grandpa said knock you out!

Yurio: I am special, I am happy, I am gonna heave! Welcome to my happy world, now get your shit and leave!

Yurio: I am happy, I am good...! I'm...! I'm out of here! Screw you! *flips off everyone and leaves*

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