Story Time with author-chan!

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Okay so this is something cool that happened from the other day. It was great. From me, at least.

So it was on Wednesday and the entire 7th grade had a field trip to the local library + community college. So blah blah we rode the bus and all these things but later the librarian was talking and here is where things got crazy for me. So the librarian was saying something like "so we have the graphic novels and manga back there'' and she pointed behind us so I just looked behind us to see and the shelf behind me had a YURI ON ICE MAGAZINE!

It doesn't sound very exciting but I was freaking out! It was so hard not to scream. THE FICKEN SHELF BEHIND ME HAD A MAGAZINE OF MY FAVORITE THING IN HISTORY, YOU CAN'T BLAME ME!

But I wasn't aloud to check it out for some

Another thing! The temperature outside was 70.7 and in my head I was just screaming "707 IS HAUNTING MY LIFE AGAIN!" Seriously, whenever I walk downstairs in the morning, it's 7:07. Wtf

Oh and I became the king of Thailand.

Don't ask.


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