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Am I the only one that has NO Idea how to pronounce the names of some characters in Yuri!!! On Ice? Boi I have the hardest time pronouncing Guang-Hong, Seung-Gill, etc like how even do you pronounce those!? Oh well, I get away with calling Guang-Hong 'Ji' and Seung-Gill 'parrot guy'

Oh well.

Also, is it pronounced 'Pi-cheet' or 'Peecheet' CONFUSION SLOAJSIWUE

How do you say 'Nikiforov'!? AHHH

Is it Sala or Sara!? And is Sara said as 'Sarah'!?

How do you say 'Mila'? Is it 'Meela' or 'Mi-la' SO CONFUSED

I'm done.

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