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It was five long days until I saw him again. Five days in which I tried to concentrate on class, tried to loose myself in the hectic monotony of work. All I could do was think of Jamie and hope he was okay.

I knew he must have been thrown by those newspaper articles. By his memories. By the people who betrayed him. I doubted that the killing was an accident. Even if those boys hadn't meant to kill him, they sure as hell meant to hurt him badly. It's not like they were playing touch football and he accidentally got strangled. I wished there was some way I could get to him, to let him know that I cared and still wanted to help him. I had an awful feeling that I would never see him again.

It was Friday night. The house was full of the noises of guys getting ready to go out, playing video games, drinking, laughing. I wondered if any of them knew what had happened here all those years ago. The reality that Jamie had actually lost his life in this house was overwhelming to me. He seemed so real and so present that the thought of him laying on my floor dying was horrifying.

A couple of the guys had invited me to a party at the Kappa Pi house, but I lied and told them I was coming down with something and felt like shit. The last part wasn't really a lie. I did feel horrible. I hadn't slept well in days, always waiting half awake for Jamie to return. I was exhausted and my body ached.

Around nine thirty, I locked myself in the bathroom and took a really long shower, hoping that the heat would calm me down. I really needed to sleep. I spent the entire shower thinking of Jamie. Wishing I could see him again. Not only because I wanted to know he was okay, but because I wanted...well I wanted him. I wanted to be near him, to hear him laugh. To look at his amazing blue eyes and see the attraction that I hoped I hadn't imagined.Jamie...where are you?

Afterwards, wrapped in a towel and feeling slightly better, I flopped down on my bed. I meant to lay there for a minute or two then get up and dry off so I could really go to sleep. I must have been more exhausted than even I thought. The next thing I knew I was awake. And not just awake but tingling all over. My eyes popped open.

Jamie! He was there, sitting on my bed, his hand hovering over my chest. He looked a little guilty like he had been caught in the cookie jar. He could have my cookies any time he wanted! I was so happy to see him, I almost jumped on top of him before I remembered that I would end up face planting on the floor.

"Jamie, I'm so glad you're okay. I missed you!" I didn't even think before I spoke. Afterwards, I felt kind of stupid. That was until I saw his shy returning smile.

"I missed you too, Carter. I wanted to make sure I was ready to talk about it rationally before I came back to you." While he was talking he started stroking my chest again, running his bubbly soft touch all over. When he brushed against my nipples, I let out a sigh.

"That feels nice," I mumbled. I must have had a goofy smile on my face because Jamie laughed quietly. His face turned wistful.

"I wish I could really touch you," He murmured. I was slightly surprised.

"You do?" I had assumed our little thing was mostly one sided. I mean, he kind of flirted, but I didn't think he meant anything by it.

"Of course I do. I mean I guess people are more open about what they want now. But couldn't you tell?" He leaned forward and brushed his lips across the same nipple. I shuddered.

"I thought it was just me." He shook his head.

"Not just you. Lay back." His voice was smoky and a little breathy. I did as he asked, not even caring when my forgotten towel slipped open.

Jamie looked at me with awe in his eyes. His hands were reverent, tickling me with that half touch that made my stomach all trembly.

"You're so gorgeous," He whispered. I blushed, but my embarrassment was lost in the swirling rivers of sensation he was causing. I was getting harder by the second, marveling at how turned on I was. I moaned and arched my back slightly, closing my eyes. Was this really happening?

Midnight {*COMPLETE*}Where stories live. Discover now