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  I woke up to the delicious sensation of an incredibly warm naked man surrounding me. I could feel his breath bathing my neck. My back was cuddled up against his strong chest, his legs and fingers were tangled in mine. My heart was chirping happily even though I didn't understand what was happening. I couldn't understand. The last thing I had seen the night before was Jamie. Jamie who I wanted more than anything, but could never, ever touch.

Jamie who had finally gotten what he needed.

He had found closure, or dealt with his unfinished business. Whatever you want to call it. I didn't know how on earth I was going to get over him.

"Mmmmm, you still smell nice," came a sexy sleep-growly voice from behind me. His sexy sleepy voice. I nearly jumped a foot.

"Jamie!" I wasn't sure if I had shouted out loud, but in my head I was screaming. How was he still here? Did we get it wrong? How could I feel him? My frantic exclamation must have woken him all the way. He sat up in bed.

"Carter?" He seemed surprised, too. "How is this...?" He reached out and traced a gentle questioning finger down my chest, barely grazing the skin. That one simple touch made my insides liquefy.

He looked as if he couldn't believe it was real. I knew I didn't get it.

"Jamie, how is this happening? It's daytime. I can see you. I can touch you. How...?" He cocked his head to the side in that familiar thinking gesture, then he gave me an equally familiar wicked grin. I felt like I knew him so well.

"Do you really care how it's happening? All that matters is that it is happening." With that he sank his fingers into my hair and pulled my face to his for my first real kiss. I couldn't believe how it felt to finally touch him. This thing I had been dreaming of, yearning for, for weeks-something I thought I'd never ever have, and here it was. Here he was. In my arms.

The feel of his satiny soft lips smiling against mine made me groan. I wanted to laugh out loud from pure joy, love him all over, make him feel every single tingle and shiver that he had made me feel over the past month.

Jamie ran his tongue over my lips, delighting in the sensation of taste, of finally feeling again.

"Your lips are so unbelievably soft," He whispered. "I want to feel every part of you."

I shuddered, and opened my mouth, tasting him and pulling him closer. Jamie's tongue explored my mouth tentatively, as if he were afraid I'd disappear. I wasn't so shy.

I rubbed his tongue with my own, loving his taste, his textures. Wanting to make him moan, I traced his back with my fingers, scraping my nails lightly over his spine. It worked.

Jamie arched into me, his groan low in his throat. It was the hottest sound I had ever heard. That combined with the warmth of his skin made heat melt like lava in my belly. I slipped his leg between mine, and draped my calf around his hips. Writhing and pulling on him, I tried to get him closer. It wasn't close enough. My frustrated little whine made Jamie smile.

He laughed gently and squeezed me in his arms.

"I know. There is no close enough, is there? I want melt into your skin." His words made me want to pounce on top of him. I was frustrated. I didn't think I'd ever get enough of him, but I couldn't believe this new Jamie was here to stay.

"Jamie, what if today's it?" I began. His face clouded, and he put his finger on my lips. But I needed to say it. "Really, Jamie, what if there wasn't some miracle, and today is our only day. I want to be with you, if only this one time."

"Why would today be it? I mean I don't understand..." but then he stopped. "It's today isn't it? I lost track of the days because I was having so much fun getting to know you. Today's Halloween." He looked heartbroken. As if he finally understood what was happening.

Midnight {*COMPLETE*}Where stories live. Discover now