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The late November rain was chilly and penetrating. It seemed to seep through all my layers of clothes, right to my already too cold skin. It seemed impossible these days to get warm enough. I was trudging to work on a regular Tuesday. I felt dark and gloomy. I had felt dark and gloomy every single day since he had left.

Every day when I woke up, I thought maybe today. Maybe today I'll feel better. Maybe today I won't miss him so much that my chest aches. Maybe this will be the day it'll all be okay. So far that day hadn't come. Obviously three weeks wasn't going to cut it. I felt barely alive. I went to class, sort of ate, and slept a lot. Most nights I woke up, sweating, but there was never anyone in my room. Never anyone whispering my name.

I found myself looking for little clues, hoping for a sign that he was still there. Moved mail, a neatly made bed, that remembered feeling that he was watching over me. I desperately wanted to feel it, but honestly there was nothing. He really was gone. I was glad that I had made him finally feel loved but I wished that my consequence wouldn't suck so much.

I hung up my raincoat in the back room of the coffee shop, and wrapped my green apron around my waist. I sighed, not looking forward to a long shift on a dark wet night when the place would be dead. I tried to avoid situations when I could spend too much time thinking.

As predicted, the first two hours of my shift crawled by at the speed of evolution. I think I may have had a total of ten customers. Not exactly the kind of night that was a good distraction from my general sad and awful mood. I had actually gotten one of my textbooks out and was studying when I heard the bell go off signaling a new customer. Finally, something to do! I put down my book, and looked up at the customer coming in. He had that newbie look. The ones that are intimidated by all the foreign words and too many choices.

"Uh, can I have a hot cocoa?" He asked. Poor kid. He looked so nervous. I wondered what was wrong. He was cute. Maybe eighteen or nineteen, sandy hair, looking at his toes like he'd like to disappear. I felt sorry for him.

"Sure thing. What size?"

"Uh, medium?" I chuckled. I hoped it didn't sound mean. I held up two cups and he pointed at one of them.

"Grande it is." The boy smiled shyly and lifted his head to look at me.

It was the first time I got a good look at him as well. I stared frozen for a second then I literally dropped the cup I had in my hand, not caring about the milk that splattered all over the floor.

It was him. Different face, taller, light hair...I didn't care. It was still him. It had to be. There was something in his eyes. They were a soft caramel brown instead of blue, but they seemed so achingly familiar. Was I finally going crazy from missing him so much?

"Jamie?" My voice shook. If I was wrong this kid was going to think I was nuts. He'd probably be right. The kid hesitated for a second, wringing his hands together. Then he smiled, looking relieved. My heart filled so quickly, I could feel it in my chest.

"They call me Justin now, but yeah it's me. I had to find you." He reached out and laid his hand on mine where it lay trembling on the counter. Oh my god.

"Shannon, can I take my break please?" I managed to squeak out. My manager was looking at us with a curious grin. I could tell I was going to get grilled to hell and back the next time we were alone. I gave her a pleading look.

"Go ahead, Carter," Shannon answered. She looked Jamie up and down and then raised her eyebrows. At least one part of the story must have been painfully obvious. I could almost hear the closet door slamming open, but honestly I didn't even care. I'd jump out of it with both feet. Somehow, by some crazy ass miracle, Jamie was back.

I dragged him into the break room, not caring what rules I was flagrantly ignoring. The first thing I did when we were alone was pull him into my arms. Even though the body was different, it felt perfect. Like coming home after the longest, most awful day imaginable. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. The longs weeks since he left seemed to shrink until they disappeared. Finally I pulled back. I had to know.

"How?" Jamie took a deep breath.

"To make an enormously long story short, Justin," He gestured at himself "killed himself." I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows at the irony. Jamie made a face as if to say 'I know, huh?' and then he continued. "The doctors were reviving him, but the kid honestly didn't want to go back. I had made a big enough pain in the ass of myself trying to get them to let me come back to you that they decided I could go in his place. Apparently it's almost never done." There were so many questions I had. I decided on one of the easier ones.

"What about his parents?" He chuckled softly.

"They think their son is a bit, um, different after what he went through."

"I'll say," I shook my head. I couldn't even begin to wrap my brain around what he had just told me. I decided it was something I'd just have to take on faith.

Instead of delving into what happened in the great beyond, I asked another easy question. "How old are you?" I gestured at his body. He chuckled.

" Nineteen. Funny, huh?" I nodded, a tentative smile cracking on my face. It was literally like Jamie got to start where he had so violently left off. Poetic justice if I'd ever heard it.

"And you're here to stay?" Jamie (who I'd never think of as Justin) grinned.

"I'm here as long as you want me."

At that moment I realized any other questions were irrelevant. I pulled him back into my arms.

I wanted him there forever.

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