Chapter 15

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Jacobs POV

Well another week has gone by. Another week without seeing her beautiful eyes, or hearing her angelic voice. I haven't been visiting her everyday because life has gotten so busy.

I sat down on my bed and watched some Netflix like a typical teenager. I grabbed the charger from my nightstand and charged my phone. I looked up and saw a picture of Katherine. I've been looking at this picture everyday since the incident. It is my favorite picture of her. She's has a huge smile on her face because I had just told her how beautiful she was. 😊

I heard the doorbell ring and I went downstairs and saw Ariel.

"Hey Ariel." I said.

"Hey Jacob!" She said back. She gave me a hug and walked inside. We walked upstairs to my bedroom and we sat down in my beanbags.

"Wanna make a musically?" She asked.

"Why not." I replied. We got her phone and she chose, "Boyfriend by Justin Bieber." It was an odd choice but I didn't question it.

The song played and we did the moves and stuff. (I don't feel like explaining 😂.) She posted it and then she looked at me and leaned in and...

Katherine's POV
I felt a jolt and my eyes were open. I saw a bright light and everything was blurry. After a couple of seconds my eyes adjusted and things were more clear. A nurse came in, and she was looking at her clipboard. She looked up and saw me awake. Her eyes got really big and she left and came back with a person who looked like a doctor.

"Hi Katherine. I'm Dr. Peterson, are you feeling well?" She asked me.

"Uh, yeah. I guess so." I said back.

"We're going to see if you can walk, ok?"

"Ok." I said. I hope I don't embarrass myself!

The nurse pulled a walker up to the side of the bed and she and the doctor helped pull me up. I stood up and the nurse walked me to the elevator. We went down to the cafeteria and I ate some yogurt and drank some juice. The nurse sat with me the whole time and we talked.

"Will I get to see my parents?" I asked her.

"Yes! They were at your house so we called them and they should be here any minute now." She said. I finished eating and I went to the bathroom and changed out of the hospital gown.

The nurse took me up to the lobby and we waited for my parents.

"There was a boy named Jacob who came and visited you a lot. He's been coming almost everyday." She told me.

"Oh yes!" I said a little to perky. "He's my boyfriend. I miss him so much!" I said.

We talked some more and I saw my parents run up to me. They gave me a huge hug and they were crying. (Tears of joy obviously)

"I've missed you so much Katherine! It hasn't been the same without you here with us!" My mom said.

"Can you two come with me to sign some papers?" The nurse said to my parents. They left and I started reading a magazine.

After about 20 minutes they came back and took me home. We pulled up to our house and I went to my room and put on a pretty outfit and did my hair and makeup. I grabbed my phone and headphones and played some music. I went outside and walked down the sidewalk. I saw Jacobs house.

"Oh! I should go see Jacob! How could I have forgotten?" I said to myself as I ran to his front door. I wanted to surprise him so I wiggled the door knob but it was locked, so I pulled the extra key from under the door mat and opened it. I tiptoed up the stairs and into his room. I opened the door and there I saw something I never wanted to see... My boyfriend kissing another girl.

She's alive!!!!!! 😁 What's going to happen with Jacob and Katherine?

Do you have braces?
I'm getting braces in 3 weeks!!!

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