Chapter two: backstage

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"Jaidaaaaa" I whine as Jaida quickly fixes her hair and we take a deep breath and wait in the emptied hall where the concert was about a hour ago.

"Hi" a familiar voice says and we both swivel around with surprised looks on our faces, I almost have a fangirl moment when Selena comes and smiles at us,

"H-hey" I say and Taylor and Selena tell us to follow them so we walk into a cozy lounge where there are huge autograph appear piles on the corner.

I look over to those papers and Selena laughs.

"Course you can have our autographs" she says, she's so kind like when she's on tv and in movies, I laugh and watch as Tay and Selena sign both our cards.

"There we go" Tay says as she hands us our papers and I put mine neatly on my lap while Jaida hugs hers and she looks up in disbelief at Tay.

"So we think you're number one fans" Selena laughs and we both blush.

"You should see Zoe's room" Jaida giggles and I send her a warning look. But of course Jaida doesn't listen.

"She's mad about you Selena, really when I say mad I mean it, she has posters covering practically all four walls and basically a whole library of your books..." Jaida lists all the embarrassing posters and things I have that are Selena Gomez related. I don't want to overwhelm Selena that's why I keep nudging Jaida hard in the ribs.

But Selena just laughs and comes and hugs me. The smile on my face was nearly reaching my ears.

Now time for revenge!

" well we can all see Jaida is nuts about you Tay always talking about her, got a photo stream all about Tay all her online accounts are Taylor swift related posters, CDs, Taylor swift hairbrush everything" I say and Jaida goes a deeper red with each word I say. I send her a that's what it feels look.



Zoe and I have been best friends since forever! I know everything about her and she knows everything about me. We always embarrass each other because it's fun, we laugh the most in our class and we regally get in trouble for laughing, talking, not finishing our work ect.

And we have one more memory to share, when we met our idols!

It was soo embarrassing when Zoe told Taylor swift about my Taylor swift club online and so on, but I guess I did the same thing to her <3!!

After embarrassing our selfs Selena, Tay Zoe and I had a long chat about things and how our lives differ from being famous. Were meeting up with them in the mall tomorrow at ten!!! Zoe and I were so happy when we went outside we started screaming with excitement.

"We're going sopping with THE Taylor swift and with THE Selena Gomez" I squeal and we both make our way home because it's almost going one am.

"see ya"Zoe says as she goes to her house which is next door to mine ( I know right!!) I wave and mum opens the door and I go in.

"Jaida where have you been?" Dad asks as he lays half asleep on the couch.

"We went backstage and met Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift!! She was there too!" I say as I jump up and down and reveal my autograph sheet.

"That's awesome honey" my mum says and she hugs me.

" now off to bed" dad says and I shuffle over into my room.

I quickly change into my pjs and settle under my warm covers.

"Love you Tay" I mumble as my eyes close.



"Selena they were so sweet, they had posters of us on all four walls!" I say and Selena rubs her eyes making her makeup to smudge a bit.

"I know right and they both seemed really excited about tomorrow" I say and Taylor laughs and links arms with me. We walk down where some of the crew congratulate us and they take our make up and everything else off.

I go into my dressing room and I sigh of relief when I see my pjs laid out for me to wear. I take off my costume and get into my pjs and I suddenly feel like I might drop into sleep. I stumble over to the door and I walk down the corridor to my room,

I crash out on the bed and I smile to myself as Selena comes in my room.

"Room for one more?" She asks and I laugh and point to the king sized bed.

" what do you think?" I say.

"Why can't you sleep I your room?" I ask as spew both lie in bed.

"Well I can't see any carpet with all my clothes scattered around and I can't seem to find my bed because it's covered in clothes as well" she says and I laugh until my sides hurt,

"Typical you" I sigh as we both get dragged into sleep.

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