CHAPTER THIRTY!!!!: life goes on

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JAIDA'S POV ( one year later)

It's been one year since Jess came and left Zoe and I in suspense, Zoe had her operation and she's a

all good now. Perfectly normal. Jess's surprise was huge.


"Zoe is that your phone?" I yell as I chuck a few more leggings into Zoe's suitcase, Zoe's going

home from the hospital today.

"Yeah where is it?" Zoe yells back as she rummages around desperately looking for it.

"Here" I say chucking her iPhone to her.

"Hello?" Zoe says cooly.

"Jess!!!!! You didn't, oh my god I love you!!!!!!" Zoe shrieks and I rush over to Zoe.

"Put it on speaker" I hiss and she does.

"Haha!!!!!, bye girlies!" She cheers and Jess hangs up.

"JESS GOT US A APARTMENT IN THE CITY!" Zoe screams and my mouth opens in shock.

"What?" I shout and we both jump up and down squealing.

"Us?" I add and Zoe's smile is contagious.

"Jess, Alex, you me, Alessia, Alison and Gemma!" Zoe cheers, Alessia, Alison and Gemma are our

bestest friends also, we're all the gang of seven.

"Alex?" I asks, there's no way..

"Jaida that person that injected me and you talked to was Kendall, their identical twins, Kendall

was playing the role of Alex, she had no idea what was going on" Zoe informs me and I gasp.

"Oh my god!" I squeal, out friend isn't evil!!!!

"When are we moving in?" I ask.

"Today" Zoe replies and I hug her. I'm so excited.




Our apartment is huge, I meant it has to fit seven teenage girls in it doesn't it, along with two spare

bedrooms for Selena and Taylor for when they visit every two months. Harry and Zoe decided to

be friends and no more which is a good idea considering that they have a story behind them. We're

all in our first year of uni and I've never had a better idea than to buy us all a apartment. Today Zoe

wants to paint the kitchen walls yellow. I don't know why but this place needs colour, even though

the living room walls are white and the walls are littered with paintings that we've all done

together, like there's a painting of all our hands all different colours, we did that when we were


"Zoe hurry up we're just painting" Jaida yells and she smooths down her old sweat pants and tank

top with a stain of coffee down the front.

"Jaida why are you even wearing that?" I asks her and she smiles down at the tank.

"That was the first time Zoe tried coffee when she was ten and she spat it all over me, it's not my

fault" Jaida laughs and I snicker at the thought.

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