Chapter Fifteen • Surprise?

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Things to look out for:
(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(L/F/C) - Least Favorite Color
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(E/C) - Eye Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(S/T) - Skin Tone
U N - E D I T E D
Your POV

"No, no, no! I'm not going to be a pair with Zenix tonight!" I say. I turn towards Marisa and Jacob in anger and disbelief. "You knew about this? You guys of all people should know why I don't like this idea! And you still agreed to this?"

Marisa and Jacob flinch at my sudden outburst. Marisa looked at me guiltily while Jacob avoids eye contact and looks down, making me even more upset.

"Listen, I can tell you guys don't have a good history but just for tonight-" I hear Aaron say calmly. I turn towards him and laugh. But not like a genuine, happy laugh. It's more like a 'you're seriously asking me that?' kind of laugh. Zenix just stares at me in shock with a hint of amusement, but I'm too angry at the others to care.

"Just for tonight? Just for tonight?" I spat. "What about you guys? Judging by how you acted when you first saw Zenix you guys didn't seem to have a 'good history' together, either."

Aphmau sighs and looks at me. "This is why we're doing this. To see if he really did change."

I look at her disbelief. "Sorry to rain on your parade, but he could easily be lying. And I may sound like I'm overreacting, but all you know about the relationship between me and Zenix have is that we don't have a 'good history' together. You don't know how bad it is." I fumed. I turned back to Marisa and Jacob, who were both looking down in shame.

"It's you guys I can't believe the most! You guys know what he did to me, you guys know why I hate his guts, and you guys know why I left that same place I met him!" I screamed, tears forming in my eyes just by remembering that memory. Jacob looks up and opens his mouth to say something, but quickly closes it and continues looking down. I turned back to where Aaron, Aphmau and Zenix were standing.

Pushing past Aaron and Aphmau, I walk right up to Zenix. I looked straight at him, since we were basically the same height. He looked at me with a smirk. That...that...jerk! That d0uch3bag! With his smirk fueling up my anger even more, I slapped him. He stumbled back in surprise and held his cheek. He looks at me with wide eyes. Aphmau, Marisa and even Jacob gasps while Aaron walks up to me and gently grabs my wrist.

"(Y/N)..." he says. I jerk away from him and took a step towards Zenix.

"I would like to beat your a$$ so hard right now, but I don't want to ruin this dress for someone like you. So all I'm gonna say is this," I step forward again and look at him with a blank look, but I'm sure my eyes said it all.

"Screw. You."

Of course, I didn't say that. I used a more colorful word. But y'know, some people don't appreciate that word as much as others. Not feeling like going inside the house, the four witnesses lived there also. I walk past them and ignore their calls for me. I walk and walk, half-disappointed and half-relieved that no one went after me. Relieved because, well, I needed time to clear my head. And disappointed because it makes me feel like they don't care enough to go after me. Obviously I'm sure that's not the case, but that doesn't stop me from feeling like it is.

I wanted to go to the park, but it was quite cold and I didn't feel like walking that far in flats. So I knock on the first house, which happened to be Travis, Dante and Gene's house. The door opens to a Travis that's shirtless and wearing pajama pants. I quickly look away.

"Hello? Oh hey, beautiful. What's the occasion to be dressed so nicely?" He asks, winking at me. I roll my eyes, sniffling a little because, well, I may have been kinda-sorta-maybe crying a little on the way here. Travis examines my face and his turned serious.

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