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Alexis's P.O.V.

Emma was watching a show on utube called "To Be Firghten."

She said I wasn't allowed watching it since it was 8 and up. She said I wasn't a big girl yet and I am! She let me watch it with her.

"YAY! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!" I sceamed on top of my lungs.

"Shhhhh!" Emma whispered. "Mom would kill me if she knew I let you watch this."

I zippered my lips and thew away the key.

It started out with a girl putting o lip stack and closes her eyes to put shadow on them. When she opens them there was a man dressed as a clown and then she wrote HELP ME! On the mirror with red paint from her fingers. It scared me.

Mommy said that it was 16 and up. Emma read it wronge.

Again made to look like a toddler wrote it.

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