A new pet

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I had been planning to get the kids each their own fish but I decided to get a pet we could share. I had asked Emma if she could have any pet what would she have. She said a ferret. I had been thinking about what to get. I had decided on ethier
A cat
A ferret
A dog
Or  mouse/rat.

I wonder if the pet store had a ferret. I had told Emma not a hedgehog and I don't know why. I knew that the kids had wanted a hedgehog since they found out they were legal. I went in the pet store.

"Do you have a hedgehog or a ferret?" I asked.

"We have most exotic pets." The clerk said.

A few minutes later I had found myself debating between a mini pig and a hedgehog.

"We have a deal. You can get two  pets and then you can get free food for them for a month." The clerk said.

I felt my face light up. If I bought a hedgehog and a mini pig I would still have about a thousand dollars left and I wouldn't have to pay for their food for a month. I paid the clerk 659 dollars. I also got the pets treats.

Home is where the heart isOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora