Evil Dirt!

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

I hate dirt! Mommy says I've never been this picky before. I have to wash my hands when I wake up, before breakfast, after breakfast, if it's a school when I get to school, if it's not a school day after our morning walk, when we get back from our morning walk, after I play on my ipad, before lunch, after lunch,  before and after I eat or touch anything and before I go for bed.

My favorite seafood use to be shrimp but we found out its the dirtest animal in the sea. I hate it now!  Some times I turn the tap or a light or other things on and off for hours! Everything has to be lined up perfectly. I don't like dirt anymore and when we take a picture the main thing has to be in the middle. I also do a lot more things and mommy doesn't like to take me places anymore because if I touch something germy I demand to wash my hands! 

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