A Cabbage and A Carrot

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Lacy's P.O.V.

I was the first person to see a piggy and a hedgehog in a carrier. I asked Mommy what was in it.

She hung up her coat and set the gergocies on the table she opened the carrier.

I saw a pink blob run out. Someone screamed and all of us ran over to it. I looked in the carrier.  I took out a little ball. It popped open and started sniffing me.

"I didn't know I was getting two and they just need food and water and make sure they don't get in trouble." Mommy said to the babysitter.

"How about we name the mini pig cabbage and hedgehog carrot!" Emma exclaimed.

"Yeah!" We said together.

"How about you and the pets go play outside, well it's still warm." Mommy said as she plopped down on the coach.

"Okay, mommy." I said and ran out the door with Cabbage right behind me.

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