1 / Positive

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April 12th, Almost 4 Years Later

"Is it done?" I asked impatiently.

"I'll check," Ollie sighed.

I saw him pick up the test and immediately set it back down.


"It's positive," he said quietly.

My eyes welled up with tears.

"We can't afford another baby," I said, choking up.

"We'll make it work," he said, embracing me.

I buried my head into Ollie's shoulder, wrapping my arms around him. We sat there together, silently crying tears of both joy and sadness.

"I can't believe the girls are going to be big sisters," I said.

Ollie smiled. "Neither can I."

I looked through the doorway of our bedroom into the living room, where the girls, now almost 5, were sleeping. We had only one bedroom in our apartment, so we had no choice but to turn the living room into a second bedroom. Money was tight for us. We were barely 22. I was working full time as a waitress and Oliver was working part time as a insurance agent. He was also going to the local community college to earn his bachelor's degree in business and marketing. His mom, Anne, cared for the girls most days.

It broke my heart that I wasn't able to be there for my girls every step of the way. Ever since I had them, I had been busy non stop with work and school. I couldn't wait until Oliver finished college so that I could work less and parent more.

Oliver pulled back from the hug. "Let's get to bed. It's already 11:30."

I was awoken at 4:30 the next morning by a wave of nausea. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Panting, I rested my head against the cabinet and wiped off my mouth. Before I could fully regain my senses, Olivia ran in and sat on my lap. She looked up at me with her bright green eyes and I smiled.

"Hi baby girl. Where's your sister?"

"Sleeping," she stated. I lifted her up and placed her on my hip, my arm around her waist. I walked into the living room and switched on a light since it was still dark out. Maddie remained asleep.

I pulled out purple leggings and a white and pink t-shirt and dressed Olivia. Once I was done, she ran into our room to wake up Oliver.

Leaving Maddy to sleep a bit longer, I went into my room. Olivia and Ollie were snuggled up with each other and she was giggling as he whispered something to her.

I looked at the clock. 5:03.

"I have to take the girls over soon," I told Oliver, "I have a 6 o'clock shift."

"I can take them," he offered, "I don't have class until 8."

"Are you sure?" I asked. I was always nervous about him bringing the girls out on his own since he was in a wheelchair.

"I'm sure."

"Ok," I responded.

I grabbed my work clothes from the closet and went into the bathroom to get ready. By the time I was ready and had breakfast it was 5:40, so I said goodbye to Ollie and the girls and headed out. I texted Anne and told her he was dropping off the girls at 7:30. I also asked her if they could get together with us and my dad for dinner. I figured it would be the perfect time to tell them we were expecting.

I had a long day at work and didn't finish until 5:30. I headed straight over to Oliver's parents' house, where I was meeting him and my dad.

I quickly changed out of my work clothes in the car and into jeans and a sweatshirt. I headed inside and was greeted by the warm smell of chili on the stove. Oliver, his parents, my dad, and the girls were already there.

I walked over at sat next to Ollie, giving him a quick kiss.

"How was class?"

"Good. I had work from one to four."

"I had the longest day ever. I didn't finish until 5:30."

"When are we telling them?" He whispered.

"Now?" I asked, my stomach churning.

He smiled and nodded. I opened my mouth to talk, but to my relief, he spoke first.

"Allie and I have an announcement to make."

Our parents looked over and I squeezed his hand.

"We're expecting another child."

Their eyes widened. Anne jumped up and ran over to give me a hug.

"This is so exciting!" she exclaimed.

I smiled. "Thank you."

My dad came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I can't wait."

Maddie and Olivia saw what was happening and ran over, jumping on my lap.

"You're going to have another sister or brother!"

"But where is it?" Maddy asked, confused.

"In momma's belly," Oliver said, resting his hand on my stomach.

"You ate it?" Olivia asked.

"Of course not silly," Oliver responded, laughing.

We spent the rest of the night talking. I made sure to express to our parents our financial concerns and that we were doing all we could to save up for our new addition.

Vivian(Sequel to Ours, Together)Where stories live. Discover now