Chapter 1

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'Seattle, famous for its beautiful forests and its crappy weather!' Dr Meredith Grey exclaimed as she ran into Grey-Sloan memorial Hospital whilst trying to avoid getting as wet as possible from the rain. Grey-Sloan was still in its pristine state and Meredith inhaled deeply.
'Meredith!!' She turned around to see Alex Karev running towards the hospital doors looking like a sad wet dog.
'I called your name but you didn't turn around' he said with a look of sadness in his eyes.
'I was a bit preoccupied in not getting too wet Alex' Meredith Replied grinning.
They Walked into the attending's lounge to change into their scrubs when they saw a unfamiliar face talking to Richard Webber.
Richard noticed their looks of confusion, smiled and said
'Dr Grey, Dr Karev, this is Dr Banner, he's one of the finest doctors in The United States but is more known for his work on quantum physics and engineering but will be our Neurosurgeon here at Grey-Sloan' Dr Banner gave the awkward smile and reached out for a handshake
'Call me Bruce, I was a surgeon not too long ago but the work on quantum physics and building robots was just a new path to take, I'm back to surgery just like how I started though.'
Bruce was tall, in his late 40s early 50s, greying hair and big brown eyes. He had one of those familiar faces. Ones that made people think they've seen them somewhere before. Just Like Alex. 'I've seen you somewhere before? Haven't I' he asked in confusion.
Bruce replied with 'I just have one of those faces, I get that quite often'
Alex looked at his phone and back up towards Webber and Banner 'well, I have rounds and I'm assisting Yang with a Sternotomy today, so... I guess I'll see you later.' He left the room and Meredith pointed towards the door with a big cheesy smile and and left very suddenly. This time it was her catching up to Karev.
'Okay,but there is something about that Bruce Banner though. Even the name rings a bell'  she said with a slight more breath than usual.
'Maybe he was in one of those Doctor magazines that you read. That's why he looks very familiar' Alex said rolling his eyes. He thinks Doctors magazines are a huge load of crap and shoved in your face. After a long pause Alex said 'I have to go do rounds, Christina will be pissed if I'm late' and with that he turned around and walked off.  Similarly Meredith picked up her charts and called Jo Wilson over to do her rounds with her.

'15 year old Mr. Parker complained about chest pains and with countless CT and MRI scans Hospitals in New York couldn't find anything so he's come here.'
'Please sir, Dr Karev, I don't think I need a Sternotomy. It's definitely not that and I know my body and I know it isn't a Sternotomy that I need.'
'Look Mr. Parker, I'm the best cardio surgeon in this hospital. In all the hospitals for that fact. I have won a Harper Avery, I'm the one of the youngest women to do so just beaten by Dr. Ellis Grey. I know her daughter extremely well.  I can do a Sternotomy in my sleep. You don't need to be scared about the surgery, I can ensure you.' Dr Yang said quite snappily but her harsh voice did turn soft towards the end of her mini rant to Peter.
'Dr Yang. I know you're the best but that doesn't mean I need a Sternotomy, it is really something else. Just please check.' Peter replied
'We'll do the best best we can Mr. Parker. Just for now sit tight' Alex replied to Peter whilst giving Dr. Yang a harsh look.
As they both walked out the room Peter's aunt ran after them.
'Please, he's the only thing I've got left. Everyone else is dead. Please don't let him die'  she pleaded. 'He earned a grant with Tony Stark and they've been working together recently. He need to stay alive'
'Dr. Karev and I will do everything in our power to ensure that your nephew is safe.' Christina said.
Peter knew that he didn't need a Sternotomy, he knew that it was because of the spider venom that was injected into him only a few months prior. The venom made him what he was but is slowly killing him. And that's why a Sternotomy is not a thing to be used for his problem.  This was his fifth time trying to contact Stark, he was the only one that knew Peter Parker was spider man.
His aunt May came back in and gave a friendly smile. Peter smiled back in a way to say 'I'll be fine'
Meredith was just about to go into surgery when Dr. Banner called
'Dr Grey? Isn't it? I'm sorry I think I'm quite lost' Meredith rolled her eyes and snapped quote Rudely to him 'What? What could it possibly be?'  'I have no idea where the ICU is. I need to check on an old patient from years back who had another aneurysm Dr. Shepherd has just operated on him'
'Go down to the end of this corridor, go left until you see stairs, go up 2 floors and turn left and then right and that's where it should be'
'Thank you. But one other thing Dr. Grey, do you have a problem with me? You've been extremely rude ever since I got here' Dr Banner replied
'This was my husbands job, and now he is dead and you're there doing his job'
Dr Banner was silent for a moment before saying 'thank you' and began muttering the direction under his breath.
Meredith walked Into the scrub room of OR 4. She spent the 5 minutes appropriate for a scrub while the Patient was being prepped and ready for a bowel reconstruction. It really wasn't anything exciting.
Her ferry boat scrub cap she found In her husbands coat was on her head and she was ready to go.
'See you on the other side' the patient said as the anaesthesiologist placed the mask on their head and fell asleep'
'Okay I need a scalpel' Meredith said 'today is going to be a good day'
'G-clamp, you know Jo. You and Alex have been dating a long time now, and me And Alex are incredibly good friends and I also know that now Christina is back Alex is all yours but it doesn't mean you need to be intimidated by me, you can talk you know.'
'Forceps'  'rake retractor' 'Jo continue with that suction'
All of a sudden the sats machines where whirring up.
'BP 68/156' one of the nurses called out.
'Okay I need defibrillators' Meredith yelled as they were placed into her hands. 'Charge to 200.... Clear' the body was still going into cardiac arrest 'charge to 300.....clear'
The machines all turned flat.
'Someone call it' Meredith said in disappointment
'Time of death 16:07'

In My Veinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें