Chapter 2

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Meredith ripped off her mask and yanked of her scrub cap in anger. She said she was going to have a good day but she's has Bruce Banner in her ear and her husband was dead and she has 3 children who need to live without their father. Meredith hurried to the on call room to have a sleep. She's not been allowed to do that in a long time. When Ellis is finally asleep she lays awake for hours in an empty bed. Bruce was making her think about all of that because he'd Replaced Derek.
Meredith had shut her eyes and almost began to fall asleep when the on call room opened and was slammed. She looked up to see a nurse and an intern preparing to do it.
As the intern was taking of his shirt. Meredith grabbed a pillow from underneath her and threw it at them.
The nurse was so shocked and before she could run out in embarrassment Meredith said
'First of all, on call rooms are not for sex, they're for tired hospital staff that need to sleep for 10 minutes.
Secondly, if you must have sex in an on call room I suggest you check to see if someone is using that room to sleep.
Thirdly, make sure you're 100% that the person in actually putting the on call room into its proper use is not your boss.
And fourthly, get. Out.'
Meredith scared the young couple off and continued to try and sleep.

'You're Bruce Banner right?' A doctor asked when she came behind him giving him quite a fright.
'Uhh yeah, that's me' Bruce replied with a smile and gave out his hand to shake.
'I'm Dr. Calliope Torres, chief of orthopaedics but call me Callie' she replied giving her hand out for it to be allowed to be shaken. 'Well anyway, we are both being paged to the ER, a women has come in with excessive bone damage and a possible major head trauma.' Callie said edging Bruce to follow her.
As they approached the patient all Bruce could look at was her fiery red hair.
'Well I can see you've had some damage to your bones and head Ms. Snow, therefore we are going to take you up for some X-Ray's and a head CT. Is that okay? Callie asked.
'Yeah that is fine, please. Just fix me though'
'Before we send you up, I need to do a head examination while you're still conscious and there isn't excessive head damage' Banner told Ms Snow and with that she nodded.
'Okay would you follow the light with your eyes please' Dr Banner said whilst shining his torch.
'Okay that's lovely Ms Snow, now can you close your eyes and point to the places in going to touch on your face'
The patient shut her eyes as instructed and Dr. Banner touched various parts of her face which she touched in the same place after
'That's perfect' he said after the examination
'Well these people here will take you up for the scans needed and we will talk again later' Callie said in a chirpy voice.

Callie and Bruce were sat up in radiology waiting for Rebecca Snow to finish her scan. after a few minutes silence Callie finally spoke
'Okay so you're new here, and you don't know anything about anyone  and all there information is pretty much so open to the public you could google it and find out the answer'
Bruce nodded 'what are you getting to?' He asked
'I' Callie said 'am going to give you a whistle stop tour, if that's how you want to put it, on everyone here.'
She inhaled ready for her huge long speech before Bruce said 'could you start off with Meredith because she already hates me just because'
'Okay, so before Meredith started her internship at the Seattle grace hospital- now Grey Sloan, she slept with her boss. Well, her bosses boss. This was not good because she was an intern and he was an attending blah de blah. And her best friend Christina then started to date and attending but when to the chief who was Dr. Webber at the time and it was allowed. Then, Meredith found out Derek had a wife when she came though the doors and said 'you must be the guy screwing my husband' or something like that, I wasn't really there then. So Derek had to choose between his wife or Meredith. And he chose his wife and they worked together and everyone loved her apart from Meredith. So Meredith starting screwing around with loads of guys to get over Derek. She slept with George O'Malley who I married in Vegas and who performed heart surgery in the lift when he was still an intern. Well anyway I'll get back to George in a bit. Christina, and her attending boyfriend where going to get married even though that's not what she wanted but it was him that walked out. So I went to live with Christina and Derek and Meredith where back on track. Now before the whole marriage walkout, and Meredith getting back together with Derek at a prom party for Dr. Webber's niece who couldn't go to hers as she had terminal cancer, Mark Sloan came through the doors and was greeted by a punch in the face from Derek when he caught him flirting with Meredith. Derek's wife cheated on Derek with his best friend Mark in New York and that was the reason why Derek moved to Seattle. And  also I may slept with Mark more than a few times. And Derek's wife and Mark continued to get at it. That was all in the intern year. It's a super long story so I'll continue with it a little later on because now it looks like her head scans are done and she just needs X-Ray's' Callie said and took another huge breath afterwards because she'd just kind of explained Seattle Grace hospital back in 2005.
Dr. Banner examined the results of the scans as Ms. Snow was being taken to X-Ray's. 'Oh crap' he said to himself. 'Her cranium had broken and some of her brain had spilled to outside the cranium.
'This is going to be a huge task'

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