Chapter 4

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'Alex!' Christina called. Alex looked like a meerkat when he heard his name being called.
'Christina?' He called back in confusion
Christina had now found Alex and handed him some charts
'He was right, he doesn't need a Sternotomy' Alex looked at the charts in bewilderment.
'He has a problem though, I just can't figure out what it is' Christina continued
'I'll go an talk to him. You know, ask him exactly what is going on. I just have that face' Alex replied
Christina cackled 'shut up evil spawn!!'
Alex laughed and turned to go to Peter's room.
When he arrived Peter was on his phone and his aunt was reading a magazine.
'Hi Peter' he said 'is it okay if I talk to him for a bit?' He asked aunt May who understood and stood up to leave the room.
Once she'd left Alex said 'I know there is something you're not telling me. And you do realise that it's very dangerous not telling a doctor exactly what happened'
'It's nothing! I'm fine!' Peter pleaded
Alex looked at him with his head tilted and rolled his eyes
'Okay, okay' he said sitting down on the armchair next to Peters bed.
'It looks like we are going to have to do the Sternotomy, which means that you'll die because you don't need it.' Alex lied and Peter looked a little shocked
'Yeah, and it won't be a quick death either, it'll be slow and it'll feel like someone is stabbing your heart and you're always bleeding but you're not; your heart rate will be so fast that you'd basically always be in cardiac arrest'
Peter thought for a moment before he grabbed hold of the lamp next to him and threw it to the other side of the room. Before it hit the ground and before Alex could react, Peter grabbed the lamp with a white sticky web like material shooting from his hands. And the lamp was placed safely on the table beside him.
After a few minutes silence Alex said 'what who when how?'
Peter replied with 'I got bit by a radioactive spider, it didn't kill me but just gave me these powers instead. I can climb flat surfaces and my hearing is so good that I can hear an April and a Jackson on the floor below us having a row. And I've been like this for a year.'
Before Alex could get a word in Peter continued with 'my aunt doesn't know. I mean she knows that 'spiderman' exists but she doesn't know it's me. There are 3 people that know it's me and one of those people is actually me.
The other two are you and Tony Stark, I don't have a grant, he just comes over every so often and flirts with my aunt and talks superhero with me.'
Alex now could finally talk 'well, from what it seems here is that this spider has given you heart damage and as its medical your aunt needs to know.'
'Please. Don't tell her' Peter continued to plea 'she doesn't want me to get hurt and fighting bad guys kind of gets me hurt'
'Well I'm going to talk to Dr. Yang, I won't tell her but it probably means we will have to discharge you' he said opening the door and letting May back into the room.

Dr. Karev ran up behind Yang and whispered 'he's spiderman and that's what's giving him chest pains.'
Yang turned around in bewilderment 'what?!'
'Shhh' Alex whispered 'he can't know you know and no one else can know either'
They both entered Peters room again
'Good news Peter, you just have chest pains, we did a lot of tests and they're all pro-Bono all expenses paid, we are going to get you started on nitroglycerin and I'll have an intern discharge you!' Yang said with a smile.
Aunt may looked relived 'oh thank God!' She exclaimed hugging her nephew tightly 'we can go home!' The two doctors smiled as they left the room and Christina was extremely happy with the fact she treated the real spider man.
'I've been a low-key fan for ages' she whispered as she walked passed Alex.

'Okay!' Callie said with much enthusiasm 'I will be assisting Dr. Banner with the surgery today Ms. Snow.
'I'm starving so can we get it over and done with please?' Natasha replied in arrogance
'Well we can't let you eat for at least 24 hours before surgery and that's why it's being done in 3 hours' Bruce remarked and left the room.
They hadn't properly spoken since Bruce confronted her and the time before that was when Sokovia was destroyed and Banner did a runner without leaving any ideas of where he went.
'Isn't there anyone we can contact Rebecca?' Callie asked to Natasha she though for a moment before saying 'yeah, Call John Privet, he's an extremely close friend. Don't ask him to come please, if he insists then you insist harder, just let him know I'm safe. His number is 97534 471809'
Obviously John Privet was Clint, Natasha seems to have a tendency to give fake names. She is a world class spy, trained by Soviets in the Red Room. She knows how to keep a low profile.
Callie looked at her in confusion as to why she doesn't want him to come but replied with 'okay' and also left the room.

Natasha was now under anaesthetic and Bruce and Callie were scrubbing.
'She really has a hidden past don't you think?' Callie asked
Bruce chuckled awkwardly 'yeah' he replied and left to go into the OR room to fix Natasha.
He was nervous and scared because killing Natasha would be the worst thing ever. While he was operating, he recalled the first time they met. In that old house in the middle of no where.
She wore a sexy dress that Bruce could still remember clearly.

The surgery was successful, but there is always chance of the patient not waking up, no matter if it's from brain surgery to open heart to an appendix removal.  That's what scared Bruce, he loved her so much that being around her caused pain. He didn't want the weight of killing her on his shoulders, he wanted to forget the life he had just as he had done once before, only this time there was an actual possibility that Bruce died when he flew the quinjet away.

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