Chapter 3

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'Brain surgery on the first shift working here' as he sat down for his dinner alone in the canteen. It was 5:30 and the night shifters where fast approaching.
Callie joined Bruce around 15 minutes after he'd sat down to eat his pizza.
'Shall I finish off life at Seattle Grace? I mean it's a super long story so I won't even be finished by the time I've eaten my turkey salad sandwich, and, I'm a slow eater'
'Continue' Bruce replied with a mouth full of pizza.
'Okay so now Meredith and the interns were residents so they get themselves a few interns to babysit. Meredith had Bailey and she's shone in the right direction. So now Meredith found out her dad had a whole other family and his daughter started to work with Meredith. Meredith hated her, she was annoyed at her because she had the life Meredith didn't. George failed his intern exam so had to retake his intern year again. He was star pupil obviously having done it all previously. Meredith and Derek where having it on and off and I got sacked from being chief resident. Oh and I forgot to tell you this earlier but Meredith drowned and came back alive and her mum died of Alzheimer's. But me and George got divorced when he cheated on me with Izzie and then I became gay with Dr. Hahn and it was all confusing. Derek and Meredith were basically friends with benefits until they really broke up and he started dating a nurse and Meredith got jealous and eventually they do get back together. Meredith's sister Lexie wanted to get to know Meredith but she resisted and George and Izzie where having really crappy sex so George moved out to and bought a place with Lexie. Lexie wanted to be more than friends but George was clueless so it jut got awkward and Lexie started to date Alex Karev, you've met him. He was known as evil spawn back then. I had sex with him as well.  And I think that's all that for now.'
Bruce gave Callie a blank stare 'how many people have you slept with at this hospital?' He asked in bewilderment
Callie took a moment to think and Bruce could see that she was reciting everyone
'Uhm 6?' She said. And I'm basically sexually related with everyone' she said with a nervous laugh 'what about you? What are your deep dark secrets?'
Bruce looked even more nervous and awkward than Callie. He paused for a moment before saying 'last time I had  Sex I was 25, we were in a serious relationship but it was toxic. And basically her dad attempted to put me into solidarity confinement he hated me so much'
Callie spit her drink out with laughter.
'No way? A guy like you? No way?' She was shocked but She didn't know who Bruce was, she didn't know the incident in Harlem or in Wakanda. She doesn't know who Bruce banner is.
'I have to check on Rebecca Snow' Bruce said standing up extremely quickly.
'Her brain has leaked out her cranium and she needs surgery'  and with that he walked off
Callie took another sip of drink while smiling and shaking her head.

Meredith had woken up after a few hours of sleep. They weren't great but it didn't mean she wasn't grateful. She got up to meet with Bailey, who she had surgery with in an hour.
She took out her ponytail and brushed her long blonde hair that looked like fine silk. Her freckles just under the eyes were not as visible as they usually where and her calm blue eyes fluttered as she tried to awake herself. She put on her white coat and left the on call room to find Bailey but she bumped into chirpy April Kepner.
'Hey April' she said smiling
'Oh hey Meredith, you look exhausted, you should really sleep for like a week'
Meredith slowly turned her .smile into an 'I'm now pissed' face
'I've just slept now thanks' Meredith snapped
April looked at her quite taken aback
'Oh I'm sorry' she said kindly 'well anyway, have you seen the new neurosurgeon, we spoke briefly in the attending's lounge and he appears to be a really nice guy but He also does seem like he has got a dark and twisty past, kind of like you' she laughed
Meredith had rolled her eyes and said 'yeah I've met him and I don't like him and have you seen Bailey?'
April looked taken aback again before saying 'yeah she's in the ICU' and with that walked off and Meredith walked in the opposite direction.

Bruce had found Ms. Snow's room after 15 minutes of searching and gave a polite knock before letting himself in.
'Got to go call you back' Rebecca said really quickly and hanging up her phone and she saw Bruce enter.
'Well a few broken bones will heal in around 6 weeks as I'm sure Dr. Torres has told you, as long as you keep your leg and arm elevated and not putting weight on your leg, I'm sure you'd be fine' he said smiling. '
'Now, how exactly did you manage to hurt yourself like this?' He asked with great curiosity
Rebecca took a few minutes to think about her accident before saying 'I fell off the top of my building of flats, luckily I landed on the pile of trash so I didn't die'
Bruce nodded and there was silence for a brief moment before saying.
'Rebecca is such a pretty name, I absolutely love it, and it suits you'
Rebecca smiled as if to say thank you.
Bruce picked up Rebecca's chart and scrolled through her history.
'Please Rebecca, I like your falling of your block of flats story but I can't treat you properly unless you tell me exactly what happened and why you're in Seattle in the first place' Bruce retorted quite harshly and before leaving he said 'and please Natasha Romanoff, quit pretending you don't know me'

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