Suicide Bridge [Sam]

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Thanks for the request! Sorry it took some time . . . But here it is!

You were the first to jump over the fence leading to the Suicide Bridge. Once you were over, you set down the Ouija Board and helped the others jump over. As soon as all of you were over, you began the hike down to underneath the Suicide Bridge.

"Im not sure if this is such a good idea, guys," you said, breaking the silence.

"It'll be fine, (Y/n). I promise. Just stay with us," Sam replied and pulled you close to him. His arm wrapped around your torso, keeping you even closer.

You sighed and leaned your head on his shoulder, liking the embrace. Then the ground below you slipped from under your feet.

You fell forward and screamed out, arms out stretched, ready to catch yourself from the fall, but before you were able to Sam had you on firm ground.

"Maybe that's a sign that we should leave," you squeaked and hugged Sam, closing your eyes as you all continued to make your way down.

A few seconds later, you made it to the bottom of the muck filled, disgusting concrete. It was horrible and smelt terrible, you could barely hold in your lunch from earlier.

"It's alright, (Y/n). I'll protect you," Sam said and squeezed you against him. He took you to a rock and set you down, the others sitting down on separate rocks.

"Let's start, I guess." Colby unwrapped the game and set it down.

"Colby asks the questions," you said immediately, and everyone agreed. Colby disagreed, and groaned when he realized that he had to.

"(Y/n) uses the Ouija Board," Colby shot back, but you whimpered and looked away. "Expect you to get chosen when you choose me."

You sighed and moved the planchette over the G, then rested your fingers on it.

"Colby, start,"Corey said.

"Okay. Are you here? I don't know what to ask!" Colby replied.

You felt your hand move, forcing you to scream out and watch as it spelt out 'Yes'.

Sam, being the protective one, pulled you over and sat you on his lap, holding you there so you wouldn't get hurt.


Someone whispered your name, making you scream out louder.

"(Y/n), calm down! It's okay, I'll protect you," Sam whispered into your ear, but you pulled away and began to walk back to the fence. You jumped over and made your way to the car you rode in, entering the backseat and buckling your seatbelt as you ignored the pleas from the others.

Sam and Colby ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora