Venice (Pt 2/2) [Both]

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Here's part Two for you!

You woke up from the impact of the airplane landing on the ground. You grew worried for a few seconds, then began to relax when you felt Sam and Colby both squeeze your shoulders.

"We're here, Jessie!" They said excitedly, almost dragging you out of the plane to your new destination.

You looked around and didn't recognize anything. Growing a bit scared, you clung onto Colby's arm for protection. Then you took Sam's when he got into reach.

They both comforted you as they led you through the airport and to the luggage area. They both took your suitcases and carried them outside, along with theirs. Both took you to an Italian Uber and set your bags onto the seat, then showed the driver where you wanted to go, to the Hotel Olimpia Venezia.

They took all of your bags to your room and led you to three bicycles, all waiting outside at the front.

You swung yourself onto the bike seat and rode after Sam, followed by Colby. You were unsure of where you were going, but since you trusted them you knew they wouldn't take you somewhere unsafe.

They led you throughout the streets of Venice and soon arrived at the Grand Canal, where many tourists go as their first traveling point.

"Come on, we'll take you on a boat. It'll be fun!" Sam said as he flipped over the bike. Then he slid down the kickstand and set the bike down, with you and Colby following his actions.

They both took you to the beginning of the boat and helped you inside, with them following soon after.

The gondola began to travel down the waterway, and Sam and Colby began to talk and make jokes, all while you sat there taking in the view and enjoying the ride.

"Jessie, are you alright? You didn't seem to be talking much when we arrived," Sam asked you, which snapped your mind to enter reality.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry, it's alright," you replied, not knowing that you were making them more worried.

"Are you completely sure? I mean, as soon as we landed you began to act a bit different then usual."

"It's just - it's just that I've never been anywhere as beautiful as Venice before. It's gorgeous and amazing."

"Good, I'm glad you loved it. Happy birthday, Jessie." Sam hugged you.

"Happy birthday." Colby added and hugged you too.

"But you're all mine," Colby whispered, making you giggle.

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