3. If you like that you should see my dick

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Ray sat in the car as it slowly creaked from the wind outside, his head was planted firmly on the steering wheel and there didn't seem to be any chance of it moving, not of its own accord anyway.
"I'm telling you, he must have been here Ray, he must have."
"I can't go in there Gerard, I don't have to clean up your shit every time"
"What happened to Mr nice guy? Look, please, I know that kid isn't safe, why did you even leave him?"
"Oh give it a break please, normal Ray returns when there isn't a homicidal all maniac threatening my life"

He lifted himself from his drooping position to look at Gerard; he looked just as tired and rough as usual, except maybe just a little more hungover than Ray was expecting. He sighed, yet another problem shoved in his face, "I thought you kicked the drink."
"Well, it's not like it can kill me? Just fuck me up pretty badly."
With that, Ray decided he'd rather be cleaning up a distraught teenager in the comfort of his own home than helping an alcoholic mess in his shit hole car. Not that he particularly wanted to do either, he'd rather have coffee, a guitar and time to sit with himself, all this interaction was exhausting. He pushed Gerard back by swinging his car door open, as usual, he didn't argue, he just watched Ray wander slowly over to the shop door, letting Franks bag drag across the ground; "he's going to fuck everything up Gee" He sighed, not looking at the bedraggled man standing solemnly behind him. His words cut Gerard like a knife, they were true, Frank arriving was going to cause a whole lot of shit and there's nothing he could do about it, not now, he had basically signed the kid's death warrant.

Whilst the two had been talking, Frank had been watching, watching Gerard mainly; if he were back home, Gerard would have got it at least three times during the time they'd been talking. But unfortunately, he seemed to be some kind of fucking shape shifting, vampire... Creepy cunt! Oh god, Frank wiped away the last of his tears as it hit him, he would have to tell Ray! They weren't safe here, not with that.... Thing!

He quickly backed away from the window and into his comforting corner, this shit wasn't normal, he was supposed to be the scary thing, he didn't need this, he wasn't supposed to have to deal with this. He held himself, trying to not lose all of his fucking sanity to some crazy dude in a dark room. That was all it was, he thought, pushing himself further into the crappy wallpapered walls. It was just some fucked up stalker and nothing more, and maybe Ray didn't need to know in that case, in his experience very human and clearly not trying to eat his flesh stalkers were good fucks.
The roughness of the room stopped being so pressing as he thought this, obviously he was a sick fuck but it was better trying to get a cheap fuck from a nerdy stalker than really believing that there were such things as vampires, he'd lived in the real world for too long to let this get to him. Or that's what he told himself anyway.

Ray could sense the alarm in the room as he entered, the cocky shit was standing in the corner as though nothing was wrong, even though he was clearly wetting himself. Although it was difficult, Ray tried his hardest to put on a sympathetic face, it can't be easy for the kid. Plus he really needed to find out if he had been here. 

"Hey... kid." He muttered, slowly making his way towards him, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "Frank." He stated, bluntly, his eyes not moving from the floor, barely even acknowledging Ray. "Sorry... Frank, how're you doin'?"

No reply.

"Did you miss me?" he joked, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work.
"I got your stuff..." He knew, obviously he did. Frank had seen people lie and cheat and worry his whole life and he knew how to spot it, somehow this dorky curly haired bastard had got stalker McVampire on his back or something. It had to be. 
"What did he want, Ray?"

Ray looked at him, his heart sank, he wanted the kid to be okay here, he didn't need this shit, but he couldn't answer the question. He didn't know. That as the worst thing about it, he knew that sick bastard would come after a hot young guy like Frank, lure him away and do god knows what and then that would be it, do they live? are they happy? most likely not, but not knowing is always so much worse. 
That was the truth, the only truth he could say and not be lying to his face.

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