4. Frank is fucking homeless what a shame

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"OH COME ON, I PROMISE FREE BLOWJOBS FOR A WEEK!" Frank yelled, pounding on the glass of Ray's locked shop, "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME YOU SPINELESS BASTARD!" 

Ray had told him that if he wasn't safe there then he wasn't safe anywhere, to Frank that just seemed like a veiled death threat rather than a reason to leave someone homeless for a night with some kind of demon stalker thing after him. "Real fucking responsible... dick!" he muttered under his breath, aiming a sharp, misguided and incredibly fucking painful kick in the direction of the shop door. He hopped around on one foot, cursing an unbelievable amount as he glared at the floor, it seemed like life was having a bit too much fun messing with him at that moment.

The sidewalk was dangerously slippery after a small morning shower of rain and a layer of mist hung in the air, typically fucking creepy for a place like this. The whole area stunk of cliché, but under the current circumstances, Frank really couldn't give less of a shit. In many ways it made his exile a bit more interesting, added a bit of murderous flair.

The whole town still creeped him out with the whole turn of the century look it had about it. It was as though no one had ever heard of interior decoration... Or decoration at all of that matter. If he had asked, and I mean really asked, he may have found out that they hadn't indeed but the information he would find out on top of that was annoyingly out of bounds. Now Frank was fucked, informationlessly fucked.

It's not as though he hadn't been in this exact position a day ago but it was all different now, now it was freaky because out there was some white ass dude coming for him and anyone in history will tell you that only ends with a horrific slaughter. It's much easier to be homeless when you don't have death hanging over your head (but like I said, at this point, Frank really didn't give a shit). It hit him all of a sudden that the only way to be safe was someone to protect you and as much as Frank hated admitting defeat he sure did lovee steamy makeup sex, so he made the call right then and there. In a small alley next to a building named "city hall" which in hindsight may have been the worlds biggest mistake. 

"Pete, what's new?
"Oh don't give me that shit Iero where have you been?!"
"Come on, I was just leaving your libido in suspense you know m-"
"Frank for the first time in my life I don't care how horny you are I need some fucking money or Mitch will string me up by my balls!"
"Well, funnily enough, I know the perfect place for you to avoid Mitch and sort me out"

"Frank I don't want your dick right now okay."
"Pete I'm going to send you the address and if you want to live then you'll show up with ten grams of whatever you can get your hands on, some magnum extra large... and a fuck ton of bibles."
"Frank what the fuck are you on will you just-"

Without warning Frank pulled the phone away from his ear, Pete still raving in the background about something that really no longer concerned him because a murderous creature was looking directly at him from down a dark alley. The eyes unmistakable and the face indescribable, it was beautiful and  shadowed and looked like death had been carves from marble. His hand became loose and his phone audibly cracked on the ground, ignoring it he began to whimper like a lost puppy. He couldn't move god why can you never move when you need to! The creature's eyes were fixed on him, they weren't red this time but a deep deep brown, drawing him in... calling him with some unnerving power of- "Hey what you doing out here?" the figure asked. Now Frank was no expert on demons but he was pretty sure they don't ask how you are before killing you and ripping out your liver. 

As the guy stepped forwards he saw that the light now reflected off his face in a different way, his skin looked a little more alive and his eyes were duller. Whatever voodoo magic this was, he was seeing a different person to before; obviously his mind went straight to twins, but it's never twins. "Fuck-" he gasped, taking a huge breath that almost burst his lungs because fuck indeed. "You scared the shit out of me, what are you doing here?!" Frank demanded now sounding slightly angry like the defence mechanism machine he was built to be; he noticed his cracked phone lying on the gravel and cursed even more mentally at his dumb ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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