Chapter 11.

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"Agh." I cower as I feel a sharp pain run through my lower abdomen.

"What's wrong babe?" Harry asks concerned, his hand resting on my lower back and his other on my lower stomach in an attempt to take away the pain.

"I just got a sharp pain in my stomach." I inform him, his expression becoming even more concerned as he makes me sit down on the couch.

"Like cramps?" He asks, helping me figure out what it might have been.

"Yeah, I think so. Like a more intense period pain." I tell him, my hands rubbing the area to soothe the aching pain.

"I'll get the ice cream." He answers automatically, running straight into the kitchen to the fridge freezer to get the cookie dough ice cream.

Another reason why I love Harry; he always knows exactly what to do. No matter what mood I'm in, he can read me like a book, and manages to make me feel better without a second thought.

"Thank you baby." I smile lovingly at him, taking one of the bowls filled with cookie dough ice cream from his hands.

"You're welcome." He responds, placing a light kiss to my forehead, an unsurprising but still highly appreciated gesture.

My eyes glance down to the contents in the bowl and I attempt to ignore the excruciating pain from my lower abdomen, the convulsing of muscles making me hot and clammy as I resist to acknowledge the feeling.

I can feel my body start to burn at the constant feeling until a freezing cold spec of ice cream hits my face, making me turn my head and look at Harry. He sits with a guilty look on his face, a small innocent smirk filling his prominent features as he stifles a laugh at the ice cream on my face.

I remain quiet and wipe my face from the sticky food, only to have my bowl taken from my grasp and placed onto the table - then my body pushed back onto the couch and Harry's figure hovering weightlessly above me. "I'm sorry babe, I thought it'd be funny." He apologises, recognising my un playful mood, although he did take my mind off the pain.

"It's okay." I whisper, placing a small loving kiss to his nose.

"I'm still in love with you after all of these years." He speaks directly to me, his voice low and passionate.

"I'll always be in love with you." My voice remains in it's whisper, because, I'm speaking to no-one but Harry.

"And I you." His lips place themselves lightly on mine, his body still hovering over me as my hands cup his face, kissing him a little harder than before.

"Gosh you two! Get a room!" Hayley interrupts us by strolling into the room unexpectedly, Harry rolling his eyes at her words and huffing quietly.

"You're a massive cockblock lately Hayles!" He whines, getting himself off of me and plonking down next to me on the couch. The both of us sitting up properly with our ice cream now in hand.

Hayley playfully rolls her eyes at Harry's words and sits down on the other couch, stroking Zazu's soft fur as he remains curled, comfortably asleep. "We didn't hear you knock." Harry challenges, raising his eyebrow questionably.

"That's because I didn't." She pulls her tongue at him childishly, already knowing where this conversation is going.

"Well, I have no sympathy for you then. It's your own fault." They both continue to bicker as I devour my ice cream not really taking much notice to the conversation.

"Who do you think's right Emma?" Hayley puts me on the spot. Although, much to both of their disappointment, I simply shrug my shoulders at her question and focus ahead on the tv. Her face contorts at my blunt response, "What's wrong?" She asks in the same concerned manner as Harry did before.

"She's not feeling too well. Apparently she's got really bad cramps, and she burns up every now and then." I smile a little as Harry answers for me, slightly surprised that he mentioned my rise in temperature considering I tried my best to hide it from him. But like I've already said, he knows me too well.

"You should go to the doctors if it gets worse Em, they can prescribe some painkillers for that type of thing." Hayley informs, leaving me to nod at her suggestion. I'll arrange an appointment for tomorrow and go to the doctors then.

"I'll be fine." I smile at them, ignoring the still constant pain and handing the games controller to Harry knowing he wants to play FIFA.

"Thanks babe."

Harry finishes his ice cream and sets up the console, handing the other controller to Hayley and preparing to play against each other. I know if it were any other time it would be me playing with him, but he's probably already guessed that I don't want to play. I just want to cuddle up next to him and enjoy his company.

"Hey Comet." I smile at the adorable golden retriever pup as he attempts to jump onto the couch. He fails due to it being to high, therefore I offer him some aid and reach my hands down to pick him up.

As Harry sits back properly on the couch, engrossed in his game, I decide to lie my head on his lap and allow my feet to hang off the side of the couch, with Comet resting on my stomach.

"Do you think it's a good idea having him on your stomach if it's sore babe?" Harry asks worriedly, making sure I'm not causing more pain to myself.

"He's fine hun." I assure him, knowing he is only trying to make me feel better. Which I'm grateful for.

My hands mindlessly play with the puppy in front of me, his cute pink tongue sticking out happily as he pants, licking my fingers occasionally. I tickle his stomach and chuckle to myself as he lies on his back, basking in the feel of my fingers against his soft fur. Not long after, Zazu jumps up and lies next to Comet, clearly jealous that he is getting no attention and wanting to change that. "NOOO!" Hayley screams at the tv as she starts to lose the game.

I sit up as Harry starts to wriggle, meaning that he is really getting into this game. I give him space and sit properly, the two lazy balls of fur sat on my lap waiting for me to continue tickling them. I roll my eyes at their behaviour, both lazy as per usual.

I feel at ease from the pain, it having calmed down now in comparison to earlier on. I don't think I've ever had it this bad before, but I suppose that's life for a girl.

My smile attempts to make it's way onto my face out of relief, although I have spoken too soon considering I then feel the worst pain I have felt today; like a knife being slowly sliced into my lower abdomen over and over again, twisting and turning itself.

I begin to get hot again, small beads of sweat starting to present themselves on my face, my palms clammy and my back dripping at the now boiling temperature of my body. I feel like my abdomen is about to burst and my head begins to become lighter and feather like. Small whimpers begging to escape my lips but I fight them back, making sure not to worry Harry even more. My breathing increases and my chest somewhat heaves...

Until I lie my head back, close my eyes and let the dark, silence the pain.


Oh gosh. Tehe, hope you liked it!

Comment and vote please :) Thank you!

- Pianogirl56

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