PLL Christmas

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All morning Aria had been running around the house like her hair was on fire trying to get ready for when everyone arrived at ten for Christmas. Ezra was also running around crazy trying to get their two kids Olivia who was five and Aiden who was three ready for the day. They had woken up at the crack of dawn and had been running around the house hypo all morning excited for the other kids to arrived. The kids wouldn't sit still for more than two seconds and Ezra had no way of getting them dressed. He then bribed them with that if they were good and got ready they could open one of their presents from Santa early.

The kids sat dead still and quiet while Ezra changed Olivia into a cute red and green dress and Aiden in Christmas themed clothes. As soon as they were dressed Aiden found a pair of reindeer antlers which puzzled Ezra as he had no idea where they even came from. For the next half an hour Aiden ran around pretending to be a reindeer while Olivia thought she was Santa.

Both Ezra and Aria had finished their jobs and were cuddling on the lounge waiting for the guests to arrived. They laughed at how adorable their children were. Ezra swept a strand of hair from Aria's face and tucked it behind her ear planting a soft kiss of her head.

The door bell rang and Aiden ran to answer it closely followed by Olivia. Aiden stretched up as far as he could but he couldn't reach the silver handle and neither could Olivia. Olivia then knelt on the ground and Aiden hoped on her back, both Ezra and Aria could see a falling mess of children happening. Aiden stretched up to pull the door handle down but he wasn't strong enough. Olivia moved and left Aiden hanging from the door handle, after wriggling around for a few seconds he managed to get the door handle down and the door swung open with him on it. He fell of the door and on top of Emma, Spencer and Toby's three year old daughter.

"You sat on the couch while the kids struggled to open the door?" Spencer asked in disbelieve giggling her head off.

"Yep" Ezra and Aria both answered laughing their heads of as well.

Aiden finally got off Emma and she rolled over and slapped him across the face. It was more of a play slap and all the adults laughed at her causing her to run off crying. Liam, Spencer and Toby's five year old son started whining and asking for Amara who was Hanna and Caleb's five year old daughter who hadn't arrived yet.

The door bell rang again and of course the adults stayed on the lounge while the kids figured out how to open the door. This time about three of them all piled on top of each other and managed to get the door open. Emily laughed when she saw the pile of kids of the floor and the adults talking on the lounge.

"You guys should get awarded worst parents of the year" Zoe, Emily and Ali's thirteen year old adopted daughter said as she stepped over the pile of kids.

"Ummm no we are the best parents, we let our kids live and have some freedom" Spencer and Aria defended their parenting skills.

"Agree" the pile of kids yelled out.

"Where here" Hanna shouted as she walked through the open door and also stepped over the pile of kids. Amara jumped on top of Liam and joined the pile of laughing kids while Caleb nursed a six month old Avery as he walked through the door.

"What happened here?" Hanna asked as she made her way over to the adults and sat on the ground in front of the longue.

"The kids tried opening the door" Aria said still laughing.

"Twice" Ezra added.

"Remind me to never let you babysit Amara or Avery again" Caleb joked.

"Hey, we are the best babysitters and you probably would have let your kids do the same, plus your letting one lay there right now" Aria objected.

"True that" Hanna said bursting in a fit of giggles.

"So what's next?" the guys all asked.

"Presents" all the kids yelled back and got up of the ground. They ran over to the Christmas tree which was piled roof high to the ceiling, you could barely even see the tree.

"Zoe, do you want to hand them out?" Zoe was asked and rolled her eyes at them.

"Is that the only reason I am here, so you can sit and down nothing while I do all the work" Zoe fired back.

"Pretty much" the girls said.

"Whatever" she turned her back and started on the pile of gifts. Between the seventeen people that were there their had to be over one hundred gifts including all the Santa gifts.  

After Zoe had spent fifteen minutes handing out gifts and barely putting a dent in the pile the adults decided to get off their lazy asses and help the poor girl hand the gifts out.

The kids had moved and sat patiently on the ground as the pile of gifts in front of them grew. Everyone teared into their gifts wrapping paper flying everywhere. The girls all got different bits of jewellery, clothes and makeup. The younger girls all got matching clothes as for some reason they had been begging for them for about half a year. The guys all got clothes and different bits and pieces while the younger boys got all different bits of sports gear. The floor lay scattered with barbies, wrapping paper, clothes, trucks and cars.

As joint gifts the kids got pool toys, a totem tennis, footballs, soccer balls and netballs, glow sticks and firecrackers they could set off later. The guys handed one last gift to Hanna, Aria, Emily and Spencer. They all opened the envelopes and screamed, inside lay tickets for each family to go to Australia for the new year.

The kids decided to pile up the wrapping paper and some of them hid under it while the others balled it up and threw it around the room. It was fun and games until one piece went slightly of course and hit Toby in the back of the head. He turned around to face the kids and they all froze still with guilty looks on their faces. "Come on kids time to head outside, grab your gifts" Toby said without raising his voice and getting angry.

They all picked up their gifts and ran outside but dropped them when they saw seven mini quads and a larger one lined up along the front of the paddock. Straight away they ran to them and hoped on them even Zoe who got on the bigger one. For the next hour they chased each other around and tore up the back paddock, while they adults laid in the pool relaxing.

The kids snuck inside and got changed into their new swimmers, then snuck back outside and simultaneously jumped into the pool splashing the adults and knocking them off their floating pool toys. As soon as the adults resurfaced from being drowned a full on water fight started. The adults were winning until Liam and Amara got the hose out and started spraying everyone with the freezing tank water until they called in a surrender and got out of the pool.

After that they all had a massive game of marko polo and mucked around in the pool. Amara kissed Liam on the cheek before attempting to dunk him. "Guys come have lunch" Hanna yelled out as Amara was going to try and dunk Liam again.

Authors Note

Just a Christmas Chapter that is from my other book, Haleb - Learning to Love.

What type of one shot do you want next:

- Wedding

- Proposal

- Fight then Make Up

What Ship:

- Ezria


- Haleb

- Spoby

The idea with the majority of votes/comments I will write

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