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Thank God the holidays are coming up and I can catch a break from work.  Yep, two weeks off till January 4th. And I am a math teacher. I mean, teaching is not so bad, but teaching to rude students are a handful. Right now I am on my way home, just have to stop at the store for some food just for me. No pets, brother, sister, nor friend.

Im in the store, and in a smoothing pace getting the food I need for the night until I came across a big bag of candy I see on the top of the sheilf. At the very top while everything else is gone. I began to reach it until I hear a sweet voice. "Miss can I get that for you? " I looked to my left and saw him standing there. Man he's so handsome.  "Yes,  please. If you don't mind." He placed his hands on my hips and put me back on the ground. "Is it this one?" he asked. "Yes." He places it in the buggy. I stuck my hand out for him to shake, and he did. "Thank you so much, my name is Alex. And you are?"
"Terrance. Terrance Burnernand."
We both smiled. "What a interesting last name." I notice my hand was still in his. "Im sorry." I then let go. "Well, it was Nice meeting you Alex, but I have to get going. Hope to see you around. Bye." with that, he left. And so did I, but a few minutes later.

I went home. I ate, took a shower, and now laying in bed. All I could think about is that hot guy Terrance. I can tell he's not from the U.S. because of his accent. Besides, I really hope to see him soon myself.

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