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I woke up the next morning to my ringing phone.
"Hello?" I said in a sleeping voice.
"Girl you need to get up, its eleven in the morning close to twelve. Anyway,  you wanna go jogging? Im outside of your apartment." Amanda asked.
"Lol, sure. I'll be right down." I hung up the phone and layed there for a few minutes. I wonder what kind of day this would be. I got up and got ready for the day. "Hey, you ready?" I asked. "Sure. Race you first." We both ran off to the sidewalk.

Later on that day

"Girl, Im tire, but I really enjoyed today." I said, then began to drink the rest of my water. "Yeah, me too. So are you doing anything for the holidays?" Amanda asked as we began to sit on the bench. "Nothing really. Just decorate my Christmas tree and enjoy myself. What about you?"
"Go out of the state, find a cute guy, and you know what goes on after that. Im just kidding. On a serious note I want a guy but I just want to take it one step at a time. You know."
"Yeah, Im with you 100% on that one. These days guys just want to do more than to know you. They want to have sex, get you pregnant, married you, and then the whole future. I wanna do what's right then settle down instead of that one big mistake." I said.
"Well, the number one thing we gotta do is be careful. Oh look at the time, I have to start packing. I wish you luck during the holidays and have a great time." We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.
It was still early in the day so I guess I can do one of my favorite things. Drawing. Or maybe just walk around the park. The second choice it is. I change out of my clothes, took a shower, and went outside again. I began to look at the beautiful lake right in front of me, when I heard a familiar voice. "Hey... Terrance. Nice to see you again"
"Nice to see you too." He said and stood next to me. "So, what are you doing for the holidays?"
"Visiting my Family."
"Is that where you from? I was just asking because of your accent."
"I was born in Africa. When I was six my family and I moved to Brazil. Some of my aunties and uncles lives here, also a few cousins."
"Interesting. Well I'm not doing much of anything this year myself." I said.
"Why is that? You should go out and enjoy yourself."
"I know. I just want to be alone. But I might go to my auntie house." I looked at him. "It was nice seeing you again. We should talk sometimes. Here's my number." I gave him my number and started to walk away when he pulled my hand back. "Lets get to know eachother. Right now." I smiled shyly. "Sure."
We talked and talked the entired day. We laughed and laughed when moments were funny. To say I felt happy was an understatement, I felt good. My confidence was high, and I feel good about myself. "Well Mr. Terrance I must say you're not so bad at all."
"Alex you can't blame me for trying." We both laughed. I noticed we stopped walking and looked at the building in front of us. My building to be exact. "This is my stop. Thanks for everything. I honestly never been this happy in a long time."
"Neither have I, but I'm glad we got to know eathother more. I wanna do this again sometimes."
"That depends... oh what the-hey, lets do this again. This weekend I'm going to the art museum and after that we can go out to dinner. Sounds great?"
"Sounds great." Terrance then kissed my cheek. "Goodnight." With that he walked off and so did I.

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