Get Well Soon Card :Full:

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The Feburary rain water had collected in the small hole in the back garden of the Leto household. That small pond had been what captured Jared and Shannon's interest the day before today.

Shannon had told Jared this made up story about fish that lived under the ground until a pond that formed with rain water came. Then the fish would swim around in the pond, so Jared had spent the entire day beside the pool looking for the fish. That was until he slipped and fell in, luckily he'd managed to pull himself out and Shannon felt relieved that they wouldn't have to go inside.

Jared had tried to stop himself from shivering so that he could stay outside and play. He and Shannon spent the rest of the day outside playing, running around and screaming.


When Jared awoke this morning, his head felt fuzzy, he sat up in a groggy way and pushed his white blanket off of him.
"Mom?!" Jared called but then whimpered in pain, his throat felt like a million tiny pieces of glass was lodged into it.

Jared's eyes began to water and he got up out of bed, he padded down the stairs and into the hallway. He could hear his mother in the kitchen and see his brother's back as he waited for breakfast. His eyes continued watering as he fought back tears. He didn't like this pain in his throat.
Jared walked into the kitchen and as soon as Shannon caught sight of his little brother he frowned.

"Jay? Jay what's wrong?" He asked looking to his brother in a worried way since the child had clear tears forming in his eyes.

Jared sniffled and wiped his eyes.
"My throat hurts Shan Shan." He spoke sadly.

Constance heard this of course and her motherly instinct kicked in immediately. She set breakfast aside and lifted Jared up sitting him on the counter. Constance placed her hand against Jared's hot forehead and she frowned.

"You aren't well baby." She spoke softly, wiping away the tears that were about to fall. "Go back upstairs to bed you can't go to school today Jared."

She gently lifted Jared off of the counter and ushered him upstairs. Jared did as he was told and went upstairs to get back into bed.

He found himself lying down in bed with a frown on his face, being sick hurt and he didn't like it. Jared wrapped himself up in the white bedsheet on his bed and closed his eyes. He immediately opened them again when he heard his bedroom door creak.

It was Shannon. Shannon walked into the younger boy's bedroom and gave Jared his stuffed animal.

"I already have one Shan Shan." Jared spoke with confusion clear on the young boy's face.

"I know you do Baby Jay but this is because you're sick and I still have to go to school. He's gonna look after you because I can't." Shannon explained, ruffling his younger brother's hair as he did so.

"Thank you Shan Shan." Jared spoke quietly, his hand moving up to grab his throat because it was still hurting him.

"Shannon. You can't miss the school bus!" Constance yelled out and Shannon waved goodbye to his little brother before running downstairs to get his lunch and say goodbye to his mom.


During math class that morning Shannon had a small frown on his face. His baby brother wasn't well and wasn't his usual happy self. That made the young boy worried.

At recess when all the other kids went out to play Shannon walked up to his teacher with an idea in mind.

"Mrs Turner?" He asked looking up at the ageing blonde woman.

"Yes sweetheart?" She asked bending down to Shannon's height.

"Can I make a get well card for my little brother? He's sick and I'm worried. I want to make him happy." Shannon spoke looking to his teacher.

"That's a wonderful idea Shannon, I'll get some stuff out of the crafts cupboard for you."

The teacher walked to wards a big grey filing cabinet and pulled a draw open pulling out some A4 paper, felt tip pens, glitter and glue.

Shannon spent all of recess making this card for Jared and he wrote inside in wobbly letters, perfectly normal for a 7 year old.

'To Baby Jay.

Get well soon.

from Shan shan."

The front of the card had been decorated with glitter and had a drawing of a tiger on it. The young boy had a smile on his face, looking over his handiwork proudly. He was sure Jared was going to love this.


When the time finally came for Shannon to catch the school bus home he gripped the card excitedly and rushed towards the bright yellow bus. He wanted to cheer Jared up and he was sure this get well soon card would do just that.

Shannon watched out the window as the bus drove passed Trees, houses and other scenery. After what felt like a full hour of waiting the bus finally got to his stop and he rushed down the stairs of the bus and down the street to his house. Shannon pushed the front door open, slipped off his shoes and ran upstairs to go see Jared.

When he pushed open the door though his little brother was fast asleep. Shannon gently placed the card on Jared's chest and then snuck out of the room.


Jared slept deeply for awhile but he woke up pretty groggy after feeling something crinkle beneath him. The small boy sat up in his bed and saw the get well soon card.
Jared beamed a smile and opened it up reading it. He placed it up on his bedside counter and snuggled back under the bed sheets.

"Thank you Shan Shan." He spoke quietly before falling back asleep.

A series of young Leto brother eventsWhere stories live. Discover now