Accidents Happen #3

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Day Three

For once in a long time I was handed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I'm not at all happy about why I am wearing these comfortable clothes, but at least I can get out of those silly dresses. I was never the one to enjoy hunting, mainly because I end up naming every rabbit I come across, and then having to watch my father kill it; That's if he doesn't make me do it first.

My father is a simple man. Give him a wife, some food and a hunting tool, and he'll be content. Although he puts up a brave face and a cold heart, he's a big softy. His only goal in life is to make his children happy and content.

My mother was never always mean and grumpy, she once was a young and caring women, with a beautiful smile that could end world war. As time flies though, and our city got more and more in danger; she turned into a person I didn't know.  It's like one day I went to bed knowing my mother was an angel, then waking up to find the devil. How I wish she would return to how she was, just to have one last hug and some sweet spoken words from her.

But that's the past, and this is the present. I must not dwell on the things that can not be changed, no matter how much it breaks my heart.


It was strange being able to run down the stairs without having to pick up a piece of clothing, or trying to not break my neck; and having my feet not making any clicking & clocking noises. I almost felt not... Me. Well, the woman I was pushed to be and punished for if I wasn't.  Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying this and I feel so grateful. But why do I feel so different?

I reached to the bottom of the stairs, my hair falling loosely behind my shoulders. I was greeted by my father, a massive grin on his aged - chubby - face.  He grabbed me into a hug, his white stubble tickling my cheeks; making them warm and itchy. At first I gasped, but then giggled as I hugged him back tightly. I havent seen him this excited since Christmas, his favourite holiday.

There was walking behind us, the
sounds of boots. Me and my father separated, and I turned around to see who it was. Tom stood tall, wearing a navy blue t-shirt and pair of black pants. On his feet were army green boots. Looks like they were made for situations like what we were about to get into.

"Tom." I shyly spoke, bowing my head to him; my cheeks suddenly feeling warm.

"Princess..." Tom replies, his voice making my goosebumps rise.

"Dontcha look ready to be ruffed up." My father spoke, patting Toms shoulder.  Tom smirks, chuckling to himself. My father's smile always plastered onto his face.

"Thank you, sir. You look very ready yourself."

Silence fell for just a couple of seconds, Tom and I occasionally making eye contact but immediately dropping our heads. My father looked at us, his palms patting his thighs as to say, he's ready to get moving.

"Good stuff, I'm going to get da things for us, lovey."

Once my father had left the hall, silence yet again fell upon us. It wasn't as if it was awkward, it was the opposite. I was crumbled with different emotions, mostly lust and anxiety. A man like him cannot like a women like me. But then again, many would think a princess wouldn't fall for someone who wasn't a prince.

We both took a step forward to each other, words mumbling out our mouths; trying to come up with an excuse for last night and apologising for our urges. We stopped trying to talk over each other and chuckled.

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