Chapter 1

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*•*200 Years Earlier*•*

My eyes fluttered open and I jerked forward. I was under water and I couldn't breathe but I was rising to the surface. I was overcome by an incredible amount of fear.

I rose above the water and floated right into the air. I gasped for breath with wild eyes. My name was Emily Sparks. Why did I know what was going on? Why did I know that I could fly and that my job was to string together constellations and brighten stars? It was like someone was telling me all of these things but I couldn't see or hear them.

I was set on the ground by the invisible force and took a moment to take in my surroundings. I was near a lake and I was standing on a big rock. Why don't I remember anything? What happened?

Then I realized I was wearing glasses!

They were falling off my nose so I pushed them up again and started walking around.

Suddenly I was thrown upwards into the sky. I was breathless... And flying! I smiled to myself, I probably looked like an idiot.

I made my way over to a tall tree and flew into the top but before I could fall I grabbed onto it with all my strength.

I thought for sure I heard someone laugh at me.

I steadied myself on one of the tree's branches and looked around. I could see a town in the distance.

I jumped off the branch and flew towards the town. I wasn't very good at flying so I jerked this way and that with the deafening wind whistling past my ears and whipping at my hair and clothes. But I loved every minute of it. I was smiling so wide. But then suddenly I stopped in midair and dropped to the ground below with a loud thud. but oddly enough it didn't hurt at all.

I started walking towards the small town and waving to some people passing by but they all seemed not to notice and whenever I tried to talk to someone the walked right past me!

Finally I found a young boy around the age of nine or ten sitting down on a porch bench and knelt down to talk to him.

"Hello. Do you think you could tell me where I am?" The boy started to get up from his spot so I thought he was going to bring me somewhere so I stood as well but then something I would never forget happened.

"Thank you it's very- Woah!" He walked right through me! It was like I wasn't even there!

I stood there in shock. What just happened? I started running around frantically trying to find someone or something that could see me but they all passed through me like I was thin air.

I ran out of the town and didn't look back. I didn't want to fly again because I didn't know where I would end up so I just ran until I couldn't anymore.

I slumped against the trunk of an big pine tree and cried. I didn't want to be alone. Alone is a terrible feeling. No one could see me.

My head shot up and my sobbing stopped as I heard something rustle in the trees above my head. I looked up scared to what I might see but I didn't see anything. When I looked back there was a face just inches away from mine!

I let out a huge scream a toppled backwards. But the person who was staring at me caught me! They could see me! It was a boy! A boy could see me! I stared at them in disbelief and shock and they seemed to be doing the same. I took this chance to take in his appearance. He had tousled black hair that looked like he ran his hands through a lot and fair skin. He was wearing dark jeans and a red hoodie. But his eyes are what interested me the most. His eyes were a light, almost grey colour of blue. They didn't match his look at all.

I didn't realize that no one had said a word and that he was still holding my waste until he blinked. I shook my head and steadied myself on the ground in front of him.

"You can see me?" I asked.

He only nodded in response, still staring at me. He started circling me as if I was some kind of meal and he was a wolf sizing up his prey. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

"And you can see me?" He spoke at last.

Wait. Why wouldn't I be able to see him?

"Well yeah I mean there you are.." I said gesturing to him.

"Yeah..." he agreed, "here I am."

He was still wide-eyed staring at me so I quickly stuck out my hand.

"Emily Sparks." I said quickly. "Nice to meet you."

He took my hand and slowly shook it then he looked up at me and smiled.

"You must be a keeper, like me." he said. What? He was immortal too?

"I'm not sure what's a keeper and why can you see me?"

"A keeper is an immortal spirit that protects something. Whatever you're assigned is your responsibility. And I can see you because I'm one too! I'm a fire keeper. that means I can control fire and create it anywhere." He smiled, proud of his explanation.

"Okay how did you find me? I ran a far as I could and I'm in the middle of no where."

He chuckled deeply.

"I followed you. I seen you be reborn and followed you. I saw you bang into that tree, go through the village, and run here. Why didn't you fly?"

"I'm not very good at flying.." I smiled a bit.

"What are you a keeper of?" he asked.

"Stars and constellations I think." I scratched the back if my neck. He looked at me with an emotion I couldn't read. Realization? Excitement? Happiness? I couldn't tell and didn't have time to answer because with a huge smile on his face he started jumping and said,

"You're The Starkeeper? Oh my gods! I'll be back in a bit when I get back I'm bringing you somewhere okay?"

"Umm okay?"

And with that he flew away and I watched until I couldn't see him anymore.

I don't know why but after I couldn't see him I left. I ran away and hid. I didn't have anything against this boy but how could I trust him? I didn't even know his name! I told him mine but he never told me his.

I found an old abandoned shack with holes in the roof and sat there thinking about what just happened.

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