Chapter 6

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"Ladies first." Jace said, extending his arm towards the door.

I rolled my eyes and hesitantly walked in the door.

For about 20 seconds all I could see was a blinding light.

"Jace!! What in the name of gods is this? I can't see!"

I heard someone chuckle and grab my hand.

"The door is enchanted. Only those who Hunter sees fit is allowed in. Those who aren't only see a light." I could hear the smirk on his face.

"Well tell him to knock it off!" I muttered.

"I'm actually surprised he let's me in. But I guess he has no other choice sense I was the only one who actually knew him." Jace said, chuckling.

We started walking, his hand gripping mine... That was until I tripped.

"GAHH!!" I screamed as i fell.

That must've looked attractive. I thought sarcastically.

"Oh my gods!! Are you alright? Is anything broken? Are you hurt??" I could hear the worried sound of Jace's voice as he fussed around trying to help me up but my eyes were still squeezed shut because I didn't want to blinded by the light.

"Calm down! I'm fine!" I assured.

I could hear him let out a relieved sigh.

"Here," he said, helping me up.

He rested his hand on my lower back and slightly pushed me towards wherever we were going.

I shouldn't be here. I should be at "home", i should be alone. I promised myself I wouldn't let myself feel the pain of being alone again. And by watching all the humans come and go from afar, I'm smart enough to know that nothing lasts forever so you shouldn't get your hopes up.

Suddenly the bright light that was pushing against my closed eyelids stopped and the guiding hand of Jace was lifted away from my back. There was no longer a need to squint so I carefully opened one eye first and then the other. It looked as though we had come to another door.

Jace stood, tall and proud with his arms folded and a proud look on his face, in front of a slightly smaller door with a piece of paper stuck to it.

Ignoring Jace, I reached for the note and took it off the door.

It looked like it had been written by a small child. The words were messy and looked to have been written in blue crayon.

I looked to Jace with my eyebrows raised as if to say, Seriously?

He just shrugged and read the letter over my shoulder before rolling his eyes.

I looked back at the paper. It read,

Jace. I do not like you. I don't want to see you. Goodbye.

Love, Hunter. <3


The way Jace spoke about Hunter it seemed like he was a wise old man or a fatherly type person.

"He might be in one of his moods..." Jace trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck and not exactly meeting my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused .

He just shrugged and jerked his head a little towards the door, signalling for me to open it.

The door knob felt cool against my sweaty palms as I turned it. Was I nervous? I'm not sure... maybe?

We walked through the door and into what looked like an old library... but without the books. There were dark, glossy, hardwood shelves lining the walls without a single book in them! There were dark wooden chairs with deep red velvet cushions near what seemed to be a giant window but I couldn't tell because there were heavy drapes hung over them, giving the room a dark lighting.

The last thing I noticed was the strong smell of alcohol. What the hell?

I looked to Jace, he looked worried.

Suddenly something whisked passed us, just missing Jace's head! But he just looked bored and tilted his head to the right so it didn't hit him.

I stood with my mouth hanging open, staring at the man in front of me.

He had messy black hair that almost reached his shoulders and that looked like it needed a trim and hadn't been washed in a day or two. He had stubble along his jaw line and bags under his dark blue-grey eyes. His clothes were wrinkled and had stains on them he looked like he had slept in them but at the same time looked like he hadn't slept in days. His arm was still in a throwing gesture from where he flung the now, broken beer bottle at Jace's head.

"Jace, my boy!" He shouted in a strong, Russian accent.

What just happened?

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