The beginning (crybaby)

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{Saddest girl she has to be...
Salty tears stream down her cheeks...
Her hearts too big for her body...
Her name is crybaby...}


Hello. My name is Crybaby. Well,  its not actuly Crybaby. My real name is Melanie. People call me crybaby. I don't fucking care though. I've had that nickname for as long as I remember. I don't know when I got it,  but I know why.
I cry too much.
Im a crybaby.
Who can blame me though? If I REALLY think about it, my life sucks. I mean, I've never really realized how bad it was until I turned 9. That's when the real drama started flooding in...


     Sorry the chapters so short.  Ill try to make it longer next time! Well, bye bitches

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