Sippy cup

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I was 12 years old, and my mom was being unexpectedly nice to me and my brother that night. She tucked us in bed, and put us to sleep. I was extremely shocked by her behavior, and was also pretty suspicious. When she left my room, I stopped pretending I was asleep and followed her to see what she was up to. She immediately went to the fridge and grabbed a beer. Then another. Then another. She got some wine as well. She got drunk. usually when shes drunk, she doesn't do much, but this time, she went god damn phyco. She smashed wine bottles against the kitchen counter while crying and screaming in frustration and anger. I wondered why this was happening, and then I had an idea why.

She knows.

She knows my dad is cheating on her. I heard her scream something about my dad, and how she wants to make him pay for cheating on her. I see her collapse to the floor.
She starts laughing.
I hear her mumble something.
"He doesn't think Im that fuckin dumb does he?"
She says to herself. Suddenly, the front door opens, and my dad walks in with another woman. They make there way to the kitchen, where my mom is and he starts making out with that slut he brought home, not even noticing my mom or the broken glass on the ground. My mom gets up and yanks them apart violently.
"H-honey!" my dad says.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING 'honey'  ME!" she yells.
No one says a word. My mom looks at the woman, then my dad.
"Im gonna make you pay. Both of you." my mother mumbles. She walks into a different room. My dad and the woman look at eachother, shocked and slightly terrified.
"You have a wife?!"
She says. My dad stays silent. My mother comes back into the room, with a rope. She attacks my father and the woman and ties them up back-to-back. She gags them so they can't scream. I want to stop her, I want to look away, I want to run, I want to get the cops, but I can't. Im frozen in fear and shock. All I can do is watch. My mom watches them struggle to get loose from the rope, while drinking a beer. She suddenly notices a knife on the table. She picks it up and looks at it. A smile spreads across her face. She licks the knife and slowly gets up from the chair she was sitting in. She walks over to my dad and the woman and slowly drags the blade against my dads cheek. Then the womans. After a while, shes viciously stabbing them. Over and over until the muffled screams stop. She unties them and puts them up in a body bag. She looks at them and realizes the sins she committed. She runs downstairs and Im left staring at the dead body of my father and the slut he was with. I muster up the cordage to walk over to them. I bend over to my father. I cover up my mouth with tears streaming down my face.

Im gonna be sick.
I know I should hate him but he's my dad.
And the person that killed him
Was my own mother.

I feel a hand grab my shoulder.  It was my mom.
"You're supposed to be sleeping."
She says. Before I could say anything she pulls out a sippy cup and inside is some red liquid. She grabs my face and forces me to drink it. I suddenly feel dizzy and pass out. When I wake up. Im tied to my bed, and a cop car is parked outside.

She must've drugged me.

I think to myself. A cop comes inside and unties me. That night, My mom got arrested for murder and child abuse.



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