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On the day I found out that my family was so much worse than I imagined, I was 9 and My neighbors where over. For once we acted like a normal family. Laughing, joking, talking. I felt so happy. Until one of our neighbors said:
"Oh my, you're family is so perfect!"
"Wow, you guys have the perfect lifestyle!"
Then I remembered.  Thats NOT true. As soon as they said that, I remembered all the things my family's done. My mom is an alcoholic,  my dads cheating on my mom with some slut,  and my brother smokes pot. I couldn't stand it. I bolted up out of my seat and ran upstairs into my room.
"Everyone thinks were perfect..."
I thought to myself. Were not. We are the opposite of "PERFECT." we are a mess. And my whole family knows it. Do they care? No. I just wish that everyone else knew. Ever since then, my parents never invited the neighbors over again. Witch was kinda sad for me. When they came over.  It was like being a doll in a dollhouse. They come over, and all the sudden were normal, and we play our parts, almost like they're controlling us. But in a good way, I mean.

Its 4 A.M right now, so I have to go to bed. Sorry for ending the chapter so abruptly.

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