Chapter Six: Past

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Kody's POV

I was shaking as we departed from the smoothie place. I wasn't sure if it was because I was cold from the spilt smoothie or what I had seen.

We drove home is silence behind Eva and Lois who were not silent chatting and singing tune after tune. Maxxie glances at me curiously with concern, I turn away, oppressing the small desire I had to explain everything. In all honesty, I didn't even know what was happening.

She pulls to the side of the road in front of our driveway.

"Bye!" Eva says, flashing her signature pixie smile.

Lois and I wave thanking her for the ride.

As we walk up to the porch and unlock the door I break the uncomfortable silence.

"Lois? Do you remember anything more that happened before my accident, I can't shake the thought that something important may have happened."

She furrows her brows. "Mom told you pretty much everything that was important." Her green eyes widen. "Why, do you remember something?"

"I keep getting these visions or memories, I don't know. They're probably just from my imagination, but Lois I just don't know." A breath hitches in my throat.

Her forest green eyes look up at me with worry. We notice that mother wasn't home and head upstairs.

"Well, after dad died you were pretty cut off from everyone else." She starts. "You kind of did your own thing."

I remember I was told my father was dead after I had woken up and asked for him. It was the second time I was being informed of the passing of a person who had always been understanding and kind. He was the man I've always wanted to grow up to be. I don't remember his last days, anything he told me, anything I told him.

"You didn't deal with his passing in the best way. I don't remember speaking to you much about anything. Mom was standoffish towards you after you came home late this one night. I don't know what happened between you two, maybe you got someone pregnant, partied too hard, or used drugs. I figured you were just an angsty teen boy in grief. Kody, what happened in those vision things?" She sits on my beanbag chair looking up at me with concern.

I remain still trying to process my thoughts. I try to remember every bit of what I already knew and what I didn't.

"I remember an interaction I had with someone here, we kissed I think." I told her honestly, well, not the part about it being Maxx. I was only half lying.

"What about that makes you wonder about not knowing things?" She presses.

"I remember mother saying something on the phone with a friend, just something she said rubbed me the wrong way-" I think back.

"Did I have any close friends then?"

"Well after the accident Mom transferred you from Triad High School to Tucker Christian School. She thought it would be easier to just start anew."

"Do you know anyone who went to Triad that I could contact?" My stomach flips nervously at the thought.

She thinks,"My friend Alice was the high school dance captain she helped out with the middle school team. I can call her real quick."

I nod and swallow.

She fishes out her phone and starts a call. It starts to ring.

"Hey this is Alice please leave your name and I will get back to you as soon-"

My sister ends it.

I sigh. "I give up-"

The phone rings.

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