Chapter 34 - The Care and Feeding of Vampires

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A/N: This chapter really earns the mature rating.

The story about Max, Gian and Scott going into business together had been leaked and, by the time the date of their weekend rolled round, it was old news. That didn't stop one photographer all but falling over his own feet to take photos when he spotted them at the airport, but they ignored him and went about their business.

It had been way too long and Max's hormones were on overdrive. He hadn't seen Scott or Gian in way over a month and his vampire nature had some very demanding needs. This, added to the fact that he'd missed both of them like crazy, meant he was very focused on getting them all to his house quickly. He didn't break any traffic laws, well not any important ones at least.

He wanted both of them as soon as physically possible.

"Hi, Max," Janet called from where she was walking past the end of the drive as he got out of the car, "hi, Gian, it's lovely to see you again."

"Hello Janet," Gian called back with a wave, "and I you. I wish I was able to visit more often."

Max just about stopped himself from rushing into the house. It would have been rude. He saw Janet's eyes widen a little when Scott climbed out of the car as well. Clearly she hadn't noticed him before. From the way her face coloured just a little he suspected she might be a fan.

"Janet, this is Scott, Scott this is Janet, she and her family live just down the street. They often look after Esmeralda for me," Max introduced.

He was all but jigging from foot to foot. Only the practice of having spent hours waiting for a shot to be set up, or the light to be ready, saved him from ignoring proprietary completely.

"Hi Janet," Scott said and also waved, "nice to meet you."

Janet actually looked a bit star struck, which was just hilarious enough to keep Max focussed. She had never been that way with him or Gian.

"We have some things to discus right now," Max said to rescue her, "but why don't you and the rest of the family come by later and I'll introduce you properly, say about six? I think Esmeralda is missing out on the constant attention from your kids."

The way Janet smiled, but kind of grimaced as well was very funny. He had had no idea she was a fan of Scott.

"That would be lovely," she said, "thank you. See you at six then."

She waved and went on her way.

Max grabbed Gian's hand and dragged him towards the house before any of the rest of his neighbours miraculously appeared. Scott was only saved the indignity because he was too far away; probably a good thing on balance. They could deal with the luggage later.

While waiting for both his boyfriends in the airport, Max had been a little nervous that this was the first time they were all going to be in the same place at the same time. They already knew he and Gian had chemistry and he and Scott, and Scott and Gian, but not all three of them together. A thousand dreadful scenarios had been going around and around in his head, but he should have known he was worrying over nothing. All of them were responding with equal enthusiasm.

They made it through the door and away from the windows before Max couldn't control himself anymore. Firstly he all but climbed Gian. It was a very good thing Gian was so strong or they'd both have been on the floor.

"Wow," he heard Scott whisper as he kissed Gian with all the passion he was feeling.

When he finally pulled back, Gian was looking happy and breathless.

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