chapter 6.

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"You called"Tony says as they walk out the elevator.
"Yes, Bishop go see the autopsy report"Gibbs asked.
"Again"Bishop says.
"You heard the boss go"Abby says as Bishop goes to Autopsy.

"Ok what have you found"Gibbs asked.
"Wait what"Mcgee says.
"I thought you were gonna have ago at us or something"Abby says.
"Nope I just had to make you think that so you'd come here and tell me so what have you found"Gibbs says the four smile knowing he was still on their side as they tell him what they found out so far.

"Wait a second revenge on Ziva"Abby says.
"Yeah Mossad Directer said a female came looking for Ziva to talk things over she told her where she lived"Mcgee says.
"So that bullet from the marine wasnt meant for him"Gibbs says.
"It was meant for me"Ziva says as she looks over at Tony.

"Eri girlfriend"Tony says.
"What?"Everyone says.
"Eli he had a girlfriend one of ziva friends also when I went to isreal she wouldn't let me find you she tried everything"Tony says.
"But you still found her"Abby says bishop was now back.

"yeah she told me she if it was any other agent shed tell me where you were but because it was me she wouldn't"Tony says as Ziva looks down.
"She wanted revenge for Eri"Ziva says.

"That makes sense"Bishop says.
"What do you mean"Gibbs asked.
"marine co worker so somebody wearing a hoodie was female"Bishop says.
"I think we might have found our suspect"Abby says happily and goes down to find out who she was and find evidence on her now knowing who she is.

Ziva looked at the monitor Mcgee and Tony stood beside.

"We told you we got this"Tony says.
"I know but I hurt her maybe I deserved this I did kill him"Ziva says.
"Yeah because you saved Gibbs you know that"Mcgee says.
"You suffered far too long Ziva you can't keep beating youself up about it you just can't"Tony says.

"I couldnt thank you guys enough for not giving up on me"Ziva says.
"Once part of this team always part of this team"Mcgee says as she gave a slight smile.

"Abby has evidence DiNozzo, Mcgee you with me Ziva stay with Abby,  Bishop go tell the directer"Gibbs says.
"Got it"Bishop says.
"Be careful its not safe"Ziva says.
"Will be back before you know it"Mcgee says as Gibbs, Mcgee and Tony leave to isreal.

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