Chapter Five

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Filler chapter but VERY important!


It just so happened that Belle had a doctor's appointment for an ultrasound three weeks later. Almost the entire family caught a ride into town on the Integrity so they could do a supply run. After all, they hadn't been in town since the day Bird sent that letter. And Bird was excited to stop by the post office to see if she had a letter back from Marigold.

Rory sat at the table on the Integrity with Caleb on her lap. She could see that Bird was practically bursting with excitement. She had a smile on her face as she looked out the window. She was pretty much bouncing up and down. It had been a month since she had divulged the information to Rory about the girl at the bonfire and not one word was said about it since. Could the reason she was so happy be because of that girl?

"Alright, kids, we made it!" Billy exclaimed from the wheel of the boat.

Sure enough, they were docked in the marina.

"I'll catch up with you guys later!" Bird practically yelled and ran off of the boat.

Rory watched as the twenty one year old bounded down the dock and disappeared around the corner. She shook her head with a smile on her face. It was good to see her happy.

Not caring what her siblings and parents thought of her, Bird ran down the dock and to the post office. She practically busted through the door, huffing and puffing. The person manning the desk looked at her with wide eyes. From his view, she was sure she looked like some kind of maniac.

Without a word to the postman, she slowed down her pace and walked to the hallway where the Browns P.O. box was. She turned the key and popped open the door, grabbing the stack of mail and rifling through it.


She picked up the last letter, knowing that it wasn't fan mail or a bill. But when she fully saw it, a frown appeared on her face. It was the same envelope that she had decorated and addressed to Marigold. But stamped on the front was a large phrase "Wrong address. Return to sender."

"What? Wrong address?" Bird asked herself. "Why would she give me a wrong address?"

With a sigh, she walked to the trash can and let the letter slip out of her hand. A gloomy look on her face, she carried the rest of the mail back to the dock. When she arrived back to the boat, it was empty. Everybody had gone out on their errands.

She sat down at the table with her chin in her hand, looking out the window at the bay. She could hear people talking a ways down the dock and could see others working hard on their boats. They looked happy. And she was happy just like them about twenty minutes prior. Now it felt like...well she couldn't really describe what she felt like. She was upset, that was for sure. And she was definitely having second thoughts. Why – no, how in the world had it been a wrong address? Marigold seemed to like her. Marigold wouldn't give her a wrong address on purpose if she liked her, would she?

She should've known this would happen. She'd seen her brothers meet with girls from the cruise ships and they came and went. What would make her think this would be different? Marigold was just passing through and she probably wasn't going to come back. Why did she get her hopes up?

It wasn't an hour later and she was still sitting in the same position she had been in when she came back from the post office. She could hear the family's voices below on the dock and could hear footsteps getting up onto the boat. But she didn't move an inch.

They entered the wheelhouse and bustled about, saying hi to their sister but not paying much attention. She pasted on a small smile and greeted them back. But she didn't get up to help them undock the boat and head home. Her heart was too heavy at the moment. There were plenty of them anyways. They could handle it.

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