im a jerk face

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cameron's POV

after magcon we went out for dinner at this random italian place matt found on yelp. i opted to sit next to stella but shawn sat next to her before i could even try.

it made me wonder if they really had a thing. maybe they just didnt tell any of us.

i really liked stella. she was petite, with dark brown hair. she had a cute face and by her body i could tell she worked out.

i knew shawn was really protective over her. but that only made me want her more.

after we finished dinner and started walking back to the hotel shawn approached me.

"aye cameron" he said giving me the usual bro hug.

"sup shawn" i said looking for stella.
she was talking to taylor.

"so um. what do you think of stella" he asked

"shes great. beautiful. kind." i said looking at her long pretty hair.

"do you guys have a thing? because if you do i totally understand." i asked curious

"well we're just really protective over eachother."

"you guys have never went out?" i asked diving deeper in to the conversation.

"just tell me. as your friend" i added

"no. i've known her since 2nd grade and we've never went out.. we have kissed though." he admitted.

i wasnt angry. i just met the girl and he's been knowing her.

"really? on the lips" i asked laughing at how stupid we sounded

"yeah. well it wasnt really suppose to happen. one day we were just hanging out. and we got lost in eachother's eyes and we kissed. but that's pretty much it." he blushed just talking about the stupid kiss.

"so you dont... like her? or do you?"

"nah. shes all yours. just dont hurt her. or i'll hurt you." he said punching my shoulder.

sweet. he walked away then quickly came back.

"and um. you guys wont be sharing a bed. k?" he smiled trying to be serious.


"im serious cameron! i know she thinks youre hot and all but only daylight hours okay?" he laughed

"OKAY I SWEAR!!!" i laughed

she thought i was hot. i couldnt focus on whatever else he told me after that. stella thought i was hot. a girl that fine. i was speechless.

stella's POV

taylor told me about his collection of bandanas and how only he can do them justice. it was hilarious. nash took the one he was wearing off his head and taylor chased him until he almost fell in to a fountain. my stomach hurt from all the laughing.

we got back to the hotel room and the guys were extremely loud.

they started filming a video for matt's youtube channel. i didnt really mind not being in the video but all the guys (including nash) repeatedly apologized. i understood. fangirls. no biggy. i'd rather not be in it then be hated in the form of youtube comments.

after they finished shooting everyone started to fall asleep.

one by one.

when nash fell asleep they all told me to draw a mustache on him insisting that he wouldnt get mad if i was the one who did it. i decided to save the party pooper remarks and took a sharpie and drew a fat mario mustache across his face. a long with the words
"im a jerk face" on his forehead.

cameron almost died of laughter when he saw what i did to nash.

"OH MY GOD STELLA." carter laughed taking pictures on his phone.

shawn took out his guitar and started singing a lullaby to nash.

i exploded in to laughter. all the rest of the guys woke up and saw nash and started laughing too.

when nash woke up, all confused, taylor snuck behind him and smack cammed him. the look on his face was priceless.

"why is everyone lookin at me like that?" he cried rubbing his eyes

he ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror

"WHAT THE HELL" he darted out laughing.

"IT WAS STELLA" the boys said in unison.

nash came out from the bathroom and said "oh sooo it was you!" he smiled at me. he pinned me to the floor and everyone started tickling me. i couldnt breath.

there was a knock on the door and everyone grew silent. well everyone except nash who was still whispering "i cant believe she drew on my face!"

shawn opened the door and their manager jane came inside.

she told me that the hotel provided an extra room just for me. i was kinda bummed that i had to leave. i grabbed my stuff and yelled out "see ya guys tomorrow morning!"

they all said bye and cameron called out "goodnight beautiful!"

the door slammed behind me and i could hear all the "lover boy" chanting to cameron.

when i got ready for bed in my new room i wondered what the guys were saying about me.

it was weird having the room so quiet.

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