my everything

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i really hope you guys dont mind that im updating so sudden! haha. and btw im focusing on cameron and megan's relationship right now because cameron is a main character. since it's always at stella's pov i thought i'd change it up a bit and show you guys some different perspectives. hope you enjoy! & as always, vote and comment. ily all!


shawn's POV

i stared at myself in the mirror

too dressy?

stella's parents were back home from their retreat.

they invited me to dinner.

i was nervous as hell.

i mean i've known them since i was like 8 but i never knew them as

"my girlfriend's parents"

the whole idea that i was dating my best friend kinda blew my mind

but not in a bad way

aaliyah ran in to my room

"what" i said still focused on the mirror

"shawn's going to his girlfriend's house!" she giggled

"shut up." i laughed

"i knew you and stella loved eachother" she said sitting on my bed

"did you now." i said pointing to the door

"what are you wearing." she said looking at my outfit

"is it to casual?" i said unbuttoning the flannel

"im just kidding you look fine." she said walking away

right when i thought i had some peace and quiet my mom walked in to my room

"whaat." i sighed buttoning my flannel up again

"sorry grumpy pants i just wanted to say good luck at dinner" she smiled

"thanks mom." i replied

"no problem." she walked out

my phone vibrated
stella was calling, i quickly picked up

"hey where are you babe?" she said on the phone

"im leaving right now" i almost fell trying to put my shoes on

"okay hurry my parents are getting impatient"

"what? really" i panicked

"nah im just kidding. see ya soon. love ya." i could hear her smile

"love you too" i blushed

i got to stella's house and rang the doorbell

i wanted to be sweet and buy her flowers

but that was already done before

the door opened

"hey shawn" stella said in a hush tone

she was wearing a skirt and flats she looked amazingly beautiful.

i kissed her on the forehead

i walked in and said hi to her parents

"welcome back mr & mrs gonzales." i smiled shaking their hands

"listen shawn, i know you and stella are dating but i'm still joe & she's still diana." he laughed

they really liked when i called them by their first names, stella said it made them feel like they were just friends of ours.

she said it was creepy, but i found it kinda cool.


cameron's POV

i got to my house and felt the urge to text megan

i couldn't fight it

[hey] i sent before i could talk myself out of it

[what?] she replied quickly

i wasn't even sure what to say next

[are you okay?] i dumbly replied

my phone dinged

i saw the first few words of the text and took a deep breath

[no im not fucking ok. you ignored me. you treated me like shit and i don't appreciate it at all. i trusted you cameron. i loved you. but i guess i was just another one of your hoes to you.]

my throat got dry

another one of my hoes?

who the hell does she think she is! i'm not a man whore, i'm nothing even close to a player.

i was so angry.

[how did i treat you like shit? because i ignored you? that was one time how was i suppose to know you were gonna leave? damn. ever heard of talking something out?] i regretted sending this but i had to defend myself

[i would think by now you would know when a girl is about to leave.]

i threw my phone on the floor

she was so jealous of stella!!

she hated stella and used our relationship against me!

why was she so mad about stella?

because she's prettier and a better girlfriend than she was?

i felt like slapping myself

how could i have been so stupid to let megan in my life.

my phone dinged and i picked it up from the floor

i had made a crack on the screen, right across the middle

[you're just lucky i didn't expose you on twitter]

i felt my blood pressure rise. she was really pushing my buttons.

i wanted sooo badly to show her up and tell her how much of a fake bitch she was to me and my friends. but i didn't need it. i didn't need more drama. and i certainly didn't need her.


stella's POV

things were going pretty good. my parents were having their usual witty discussion with shawn. they seemed to like the fact that we were dating.

they kept mentioning how they were

"so glad if their daughter had a boyfriend that it be shawn"

they loved shawn.

i continued to eat my turkey and saw shawn across from the table eyeing me

he smirked at me and i winked back


the dinner ended and we were saying our goodbyes.

i was gonna miss spending every night with shawn.

when he was about to leave i walked him out to his car

it was freezing outside and i was wearing a short sleeve top

he grabbed both of my hands

"tonight was amazing." he smiled

"i know. they love you so much." i nodded

he leaned in and kissed me

"im gonna miss you." i said shivering

he put his arms around me and warmed me up

"dont worry we can hangout whenever you want." he smiled

"you're my everything." he said with his head ducked

i blushed

"shawn.. you're my everything too." i grinned, i felt a single tear run down my face

he wiped it off of my face

"im so glad" he replied

"goodnight my love." i said following him to his car

"text me ok?" he said getting in

i nodded and waved as he drove away

shawn mendes my best friendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin