MISSIONS: The good , the bad and the festive

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Lucy's POV

It's Christmas!!! Maybe I can get my mind off natsu and y/n........................................eeeehhhhhhhhh no.

"Hey Juvia"

"Yes Lucy?" Julia replys in a sugar coated voice. I glad she called me by my first name. y/n is the new love rival. For both of us.

"Ready for mission: Killer Christmas?" I whispered into her ear.

"Juvia was born ready"

Y/n's POV
I walked to the guild in one of my favourite outfits (you choose) when my hearing caught something. I know, I know "your eavesdropping y/n!!!!!" I don't care.

"Ready for mission: Killer Christmas?"


"Juvia was born ready"

Juvia too?

By the sound of that title, It can't be good at all. Better tell gramps.

Juvia's POV

"You think she heard it?"

"Juvia knows she heard it" Juvia says, a smirk tugging at her lips.

Your POV

"GRAMPS!" I scream

"What's wrong my child?"

" I heard Juvia and Lucy talking about this operation 'Killer Christmas'?

"I'm sure it's nothing y/n. Their your namaka so that would never do anything to hurt you."

"If you say so Gramps" I don't know why but I still don't trust them.

I sigh as I skip down the stairs. Maybe doing a job will get my mind off it.But first....


"Yeah y/n?"

"I have a plan,


"So Mira are you ready?" I whispered

"Yeah" she mouthed back from over the counter.

I glanced over to my sister. I dont think she knows that jellal likes her. She may be strong, but she sure is oblivious to whats going on around her. I sighed to myself as a casually walked out of the guild.


Did you know that Jellal takes forever to pick up his phone? Well, he does. (In this story the characters have modern technology)



" Y/n? Whats wrong"

"Its E-erza"

"Whats happened! IS SHE ALRIGHT?!"

"She hasnt come back from her mission yet!"

"Dont move y/n, okay? I'll be there as soon as I can."


I smirk as I hang up the phone. This plan is working perfectly.

Erza's POV

I sigh in joy as I chew a piece of my beloved strawberry cake. 

"Hey sis" I hear from behind me causing me to jump out of my skin. I turn around to see y/n with tears streaming down her cheeks. 

I immedietly go into big sister mode.

"What's wrong y/n? Are you hurt?"


"then whats wrong?"

"It's jellal"

"What about him?!"

"I-i was on the phone with him when I suddenly h-heard a roar and th-the"


"Then the line went dead"

My eyes suddenly became dark. Y/n seemed to notice.

"Where is he!" 

"He-he took the job over there" she whispered pointing to the newest job on the board.

I abruptly stood up, ripped the flyer of the board and ran through the guild doors.

Your POV

"So how was it?"

I gotta tell you Mira, It was as easy as feeding her strawberry cake" Mira chuckled at that.

I turned to my left to see Lucy staring at the board with a slight smirk on her face. Whats up with her? I lightly tap her shoulder. She spins around to face me. Her face seemed to contort in......confusion?

"Y/n! I thought you took that job over there?"

"Oh, well then you thought wrong!"I replied happily. I tried to lighten the mood and let me tell ya,it was NOT working.

"Oh so who took it" She said smiling. Tch. I can see right through her nice girl act.

"Erza did"



Hey guys. Plz dont kill me. IM so so so so sooooooooooooo sorry that I havent been updating. I procrastinated and its my fault.

On a happier note, IM BACK. Did ya miss me? Wait, why am I asking, of course you did.

Happy: I didn't.

Me: Shaddup you stupid cat!

Anyway, your all beautiful, have a nice day and see you in the next chapter!

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