Mission gone wrong

552 13 7

Y/n's POV

"What's the problem?"I asked  

"You wanna know the problem!? Huh! well if you weren't living in your perfect bubble,"

One inch.

"You would of taken that mission instead of Erza you, you...."

Another inch.

"You man-stealing whore!"

The guild was deadly silent. Horrified looked were etched on their faces. Well except juvia, she looked pleased. Like she was happy Lucy snapped.I managed to catch a glimpse of her eye as she was spitting those awful words and trust me, it was like nothing I have ever seen from her. Her eyes were wide, like they were being pryed open. They held so much hatred. For me.

Three steps back. 

A nervous smile spread across her face.

"I-I mean...."

Suddenly she bolted out the guild doors, not before dragging Juvia with her.

Do you guys know than an enhanced sense of smell really helps in these situations?

Natsu's POV

I wonder who luce was talking about?

I glanced y/n's way and saw a sad look on her face.

"Should I comfort her?" I asked the voices only I could hear.








And then poof, she was gone. Bolted out the guild doors she did.I only have one choice, follow her. I mean that wasnt your only choice but.... whatever.

So I follow her?


Right okay....

Gray's POV

Why is flamebrain talking to himself? I always new he wasn't the brightest lightbulb in the pack, but I never knew he would result to talking to himself. Actually,

I kinda did.

Before I could shout my 100th insult of the day at him, he ran out the guild doors. I quickly got up and peeked outside.
He was running after.... I can't really make the person out. All I could see was a mop of fiery red hair.


No one's POV

So there it was. Some called it the great chase of fairy tail. I call it people chasing eachother and leading to danger like the idiots they are. Anyway.....

Lucy and Juvia finally reached the destination of the job. Luckily, it wasn't that far. They eventually drifted away from eachother, on a mission to find erza before y/n did.
They did eventually find her cornered by monsters. Now you may ask, how could the great tatania get cornered by mere mosters?

Because they weren't ordinary monsters.

They were from the book of zeref.

"What are you doing to my sister!"

Y/n's POV

I growled as I got angrier and angrier, my eyes turning into slits.

The floor was covered in ice and I was ready to attack at any moment. When I saw a monster about to attack my sister, I snapped.

~One fight scene later~

I sighed satisfied as I finished off the last monster. They were much harder than normal. You know what, maybe I was just imagining it.


I whipped my head around to see gray and natsu staring at me with blood dripping out of their noses. I smirked.


"What are you guys doing here and why are you bleeding" I said 'concerned'. Gosh,I'm such a great actress. I should of auditioned for Baywatch or something.

"We saw you beating up those monsters for Erza-" Gray answered but I cut him off.

"So you didn't think of helping me!" I gasped offended (hehe)

"If you needed help then-" Oh poor, poor Natsu.

"So your calling me wea-"


Where's Erza?

At that moment, an earpiercing scream filled the air.



I ran as fast as me short legs could go to the direction of the scream. When I found her I was left confused?

"Jellal? What are you doing here?"

"You called me remember?"

Oh yeah! Plan jerza.

But something doesn't add up.

"Jellal, how did you know we were here?" I asked

"You told me right?"




"Y/n? What's wrong?"

"It's Erza"

"What happened? IS SHE ALRIGHT?!"

"She hasn't come back from her mission yet!"

"Don't move y/n okay? I'll be right there"



"No I didn't" I muttered

He sighed and pushed erza away, who he was previously embracing.

"Looks like little y/n has finally put the pieces together,"

His eyes turned pitch black.


Hi guys.
I've decided to try and continue since it's not fair on you readers. I can't promise that the updates will be consistent, but I can promise that will be updates.

See ya on the next chapter.

A Connection Between The Elements (Natsu X Reader X Gray)Where stories live. Discover now