[Bruce Wayne] Ruined The Moment Part 2

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The last time you'd seen Bruce was over a year ago, when you'd fled the night of your awkward encounter. You didn't know why you'd fled, you were scared. It was foolish if you really, just leaving like that. A coward.

It was all so confusing at the tims, you'd never felt loved, never, and when he'd kissed you- everything knew you went out the window, you needed to find how you really felt. Originally you'd only planned to leave for s few days, making up the exscuse you needed to help a friend, but soon days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into a year.

But Bruce had been looking for you, you knew that, and little did he know you were always watching- keeping him out of trouble. Most of the time you'd perch in the tree where Alfred dropped Bruce off for school, hiding between the leaves, and sometimes you thought Alfred knew you were up the, as he would look into your eyes and smile, before disspearing.

Selina wasn't much help either, trying to convince you to return, to talk to Bruce, because she knew you cared about him, you loved him, but you needed to push that away- he would never love you the way he'll love his future wife, the mother of his children. You were a distraction.

Butt since then you'd matured, managed to cope with your feelings. Your hair, which used to be curly and wild and out of order, and grown to your shoulders, becoming neatly straight, and your feature had defined, making you more beautiful than you usual saw yourself. Now instead of your childish clothes you wore a woolly, navy blue beanie on the top of your head, a dark grey hooded jacket, a faded leather jacket Selina had gifted yku the day of your birthday, and some jeans and plain combat boots.

You finally felt acceptable.


Leaping over a pile of wooden crates you tumble on the impact of hitting the wet gravel floor, quickly regaining your balance as you continue to sprint down the dark alleyway, pulling and shoving objects across behind you as to slow down your pursuers, the GCPD.

Tens of metres behind you you could here them desperately trying to catch up, and with a feverish glance over your shoulder you grin to see them struggling. Besides, you had an advantage over the idiots.

You knew this city like the back of your hand.

Taking a sharp left you skid around the corner and stumble to regain your balance, pushing of one of the brick walls and resuming your sprint. With each step you seem to travel farther, but then again your lungs burn more and more, shins stinging and begging to collapse underneath you.

Looking up you give a slight glance to the barrier fence bordering you off  and cutting across the alleyway, standing tall and proud as it's crowded by large dustbins and cardboard boxes and old pieces of discarded cement.

With a slight bounce in your step, and the want to catch your breath, you push yourself and arch towards the wall, holding out your hand and pressing one foot onto a cardboard box, using the momentum to leap up and onto a stack of crates. With a final jump you reach out and wrap your fingers around the metal bar holding the construction up, slamming into the wire and scampering up the side, pulling and flipping yourself over.

Hooking your fingers between the gaps you slide down the other side and land on the wet ground in a low crouch, grinning as the officers on the other side half to a stop and struggle to get a good grip.

Pushing yourself to your feet you tuck some hair into your beanie and grin with a satisfied smirk.

"Maybe next time boys" turning on your heel you begin to walk away you suddenly pause when you see none other than Jim Gordon stood a mere twenty metres away, his gun raises.

"Or not" slowly bringing your hands from your jacket pockets you hold them up, and as he creeps closer you drop to your knees and allow the rain to soak into your kneecaps.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" hanging your head at your name, one you hadn't heard for so long. "Your under arrest for the possession of bombs and terrorist threats. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you" stepping behind you he roughly grabs your wrists and yanks them behind your back, securing them with a pair of handcuffs.

"Gee Jim, I thought you knew" you laugh as he drags you to your feet, walking you towards the parked police car at the end of the alleyway.

"Us guttertrash don't have any rights"

Quickly scaling the side of the wall Selina hooked her fingers into the grates of the stone wall and flung herself up and onto the balcony, hopping down and slipping through the flowing white curtains that beated themselves in the wind.

"Selina" turning around she was met by the confused expression of Bruce, his hair in a dishevelled state.

Sure Bruce has grown. His muscles had defined and his features at become stronger, his eyes more beautiful. He'd grown taller too, easily towering over Selina, probably you as well.

"Bruce" she breathed, a look of worry crossing her features as well as his own. "It's (Y/N)"

"What do you mean, where is she, is she okay?" Bruce asked in a panic while grabbing his jacket and pulling it on.

"She's been arrested Bruce"


Jolting awake at the sound of slamming bars you unfold your arms from behind your head and blink to adjust to the bright morning light shining into the GCPD building.

Sitting up you look around and yawn, resting your elbows on your knees and looking up at Officer Bullock, who was unlocking the door.

"Get your things kid" knitting your eyebrows together you stand up and stretch your aching muscles. Sleeping on a wooden slab for two days straight didn't do much to help you age less.

"You've been bailed out"

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