[Jerome Valeska] The New Girl

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"And remember, Miss (Y/L/N)" strange starts, and you hold back an eye roll. "Make friends" he grins, his glasses shining against the dim lights. Flashing him a sickly sweet smile you run on the heel of your black heeled shoes and walk through the gate of the now opened gate to the so called entertainment room, the striped suit of your uniform swinging around your thighs. Cradling the book of Macbeth under your arm as you hear the clank of the metal gate behind you.

As soon as the first sound of your heels clicking on the cement echoed through the room a few heads turned your way, some men old enough to be your father ogling your defined curves that the dress showed, and your legs that seemed to glimmer in the room. From somewhere a wolf whistle rang through the room and you held back yet another eye roll, dumping your book on an empty table with a loud thud and sliding onto one of the plastic seats.

Dragging your book over you snap it open and began reading, reading over the words you mostly knew of by heart. It was, of course, the only book you ever really had.

"Hey gorgeous" a deep voice calls, and you look up slightly to see a ginger haired boy jumper of the seat and sit down across from you, a sadistic grin lingering on his rose coloured lips. "I'm Jerome" he leans slightly closer and you hold back the urge to sock him. A natural reaction, of course.

"Mhmm" you hum, flipping the crusted yellow page.

"What you in for beautiful?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow.

"Killing my dad" you drone monotonously, looking unfazed by the realisation you'd killed your own flesh and blood. He deserved it, you tell yourself.

"Me too!" He grins, placing a hand on his chest. "What a rush!" This time you don't stop and roll your eyes ten times larger than you probably should and he leans closer.

"So what about you darling, what's your name?"

"(Y/N)" finally you shut the book and look at him, finally taking the time to examine his features.

A light scatter of brown freckles coated the bridge of his nose, making his pale skin pop, and his blue eyes swam with mystery, swam with crazy. Grinning at the thought you let your eyes run over his thin and boney nose, across his warm coloured lips full of life, and the peek of white teeth shining in the room.

"A beautiful name" he tilts his head and you blink slightly, leaning closer. This boy, he intrigued you.

"What do you want?" You finally blurt, quirking a finely trimmed eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"To be friends, your gonna need them here"

"I think I can make friends on my own, thanks" giving him a challenging look and he gladly accepts.

"Be my guest" he whispers, leaning so that your noses were almost touching, and he was halfway out of his chair. His blue eyes narrowed and a smirk grew across your lips.

"Gladly" pulling away you swivel around and push yourself from the chair, before climbing atop it and hopping up onto the table as heads turned your way and Jerome stared up at you in awe.

"Boys" you grin, adding a slight swing to your hips as you reach the edge of the table, a feeling of power coursing your body.

"Who wants to be my friend?" You ask in an alluring voice and instantly a few men stood up, scurrying over as you shoot Jerome an in your face sucker look. But he simply replies with a look of slight awe has he props his head up onto his fist and sighs slightly.

For a few moments you talk to the small crowd, before twirling around and climbing back down onto your seat, leaning forward and placing both arms on the metal table.

"So tell me Jerome" you smirk, looking up through your dark lashes with a satisfied grin on your face. "You got mommy problems" you chuckle slightly and he tilts his head to the side.

"You got daddy problems?" He retorts back.

"Maybe" clicking your tongue you laugh slightly. "I can tell we're gonna be good friends you and me" you smirk, and his eyes light up.

"Stole the words of the tip of my tongue"

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