The One Where Shanks Touches Your Breasts

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You peeked out from behind a tree, watching as your captain, Red-Haired Shanks, urged Dracule Mihawk to drink something. The Greatest Swordsman in the World was, as it turns out, a friend of Shanks. Mihawk was, in one word, sexy. A perfect body, pitch-black messy hair, piercing eyes that seemed to be two shades of gold. He was gorgeous. And, as such, he made you nervous. You just couldn't seem to talk to hot people.

You tried to back away quietly, but you bumped a bush, and it rustled faintly. Shanks turned around, a blush of drunkness across his cheeks. "Hey! (Y/N)! Come here for a minute!"

'Well,' you thought. 'Nothing to do about it now that I've been found.' You moved forward, heart pounding in your chest when Mihawk turned and his eyes met yours. 'H-Hot!' You blushed furiously, bowing in front of the two men. "Hello, I'm (Y/N)!" You voice squeaked a bit at the end.

Shanks grabbed your hand and pulled you down between him and Mihawk, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Yeah, she's (Y/N). She's my favorite." He nuzzled your hair, apparently oblivious to your squeaks of embarrassment.

"Don't say that, Captain." You scolded, pushing the drunk man away. "Benn might get jealous."

He nodded like your statement had any truth to it. "You're right..." He muttered. Then he looked around and, much to your horror, shouted. "BENN, YOU'RE MY FAVORITE TOO!!"

Benn Beckman looked at him for a second then blew Shanks a kiss.

You covered you face with your hands, embarrassed to no end by your crew. Shanks laughed, once again draping his arm across your shoulders. Except this time his hand landed right over your boob.

You stiffened, surprised. You knew Shanks hadn't meant to. He was drunk as the day was long, and he wasn't paying attention to where his hand landed. But still...


Shanks looked over your head at Mihawk, who glared at him with those beautiful golden eyes. His deep voice made your heart skip a beat.

"Yeeeaah, Hawk-Eyes?"

"It is impolite to touch a woman's breasts without her consent."

Shanks' brows furrowed with confusion, then he looked down and laughed. "Sorry (Y/N)! I didn't notice." He moved his hand and leaned close to whisper in your ear. "You have nice boobies though."


You pushed him and he fell onto his side, laughing so hard he was crying. "Shanks, why are you like this?"

"Red-Hair, don't be so childish." Shanks stopped laughing long enough to look up at Mihawk. "They're not boobies, they're breasts."

Shanks burst out laughing again, holding his sides. You couldn't help it. You started laughing too. You almost fell down, but strong arms held you up. You looked up at Mihawk, and you saw him smile for the first time since he'd arrived.

"You know," he said. "I was going to leave tomorrow, but... Well, I suppose I could stay for a little while longer."

You lay in your tent, snuggled down in soft blankets, wondering about the strange swordsman who'd decided to stay. Why? Was it because of... You? Blushing furiously, you buried you face in the covers and tried to sleep.

Mihawk shifted in the covers Shanks had lent him. He'd never stayed long before. Why did he suddenly feel like he needed to stay?

Mihawk x Reader   When Shanks Does A BadWhere stories live. Discover now