The One Where Shanks Gets Too Close

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You watched the sun set, humming quietly. You were trying to get some quiet time away from the rough and tumble parties your captain loved to throw. Unfortunately, Shanks, drunk as ever, stumbled down and sat next to you. "Hai, (Y/N)!"

"Hello Shanks."

"I *hic* found you."

"Yes, you did."

Grinning widely, he laid down, his head in your lap. "I'm kinda tired though..." He yawned and shifted onto his side. His face was now basically right between your legs.

You blushed furiously, trying desperately to ignore the feeling of his warm breath. His hand moved to rest on your thigh, and he gave a small sigh of contentment.

"Umm... S-Shanks-


You looked over your shoulder as Mihawk walked toward you.

"Oh! Hi Mihawk-san!"

"I told you, (Y/N), just Mihawk is fine." His steps faltered when he was how Shanks was positioned. "I apologize. Did I interrupt something?"

You shook you head furiously. "No no no! Shanks is just drunk again and... Well, this is where he put himself."

Mihawk glared down at Shanks, who had fallen asleep. "Do you want him there?"

"Um... N-No, not really."

"Very well."

And then Mihawk grabbed Shanks and chucked him into the ocean. Shanks came up spluttering and coughing, dragging himself on shore before he collapsed into a heap. "Why would you do that?" He wailed.

"I told you before." Mihawk growled. "Do. Not. Touch. Her."

You blushed, your mind racing to figure out what he meant. He'd told Shanks not to touch you? Why? Why did he care? Was it because you were a woman? ... Or maybe he wanted you to be his woman... Your blush increased and you shook the thought away.

Shanks had stood up and was trying to wring the water out his clothes. "But Miihaaawk! She's warm."

"Shanks, look into my eyes and see if I care."

Shanks gave an exaggerated whine and started to limp away. "He injured me!"

"Shanks I swear to all that is holy and otherwise..." Mihawk's voice faded away as he followed after your captain, and you were left to wonder why Mihawk would care about what Shanks did. And why he always seemed to be around when you needed him.

Mihawk sat cross-legged on the ground, his head in his hands. That woman... He didn't know why she had such an effect on him. No one had ever made him feel this way. Maybe... Was this... Love? He huffed. Even if it was, it didn't matter. He was easily twice your age, why would you feel anything for him?

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