Happy Birthday Kageyama!!

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I hope he doesn't remember. He always makes such a big deal out of it, all I really want is a chance to relax. Suddenly Kageyama felt something cold collide with his face. Immediately afterwards Kageyama felt the warm embrace of his energetic 23 year old boyfriend, Oikawa Tooru. Giving Kageyama a quick peck on the cheek, Oikawa whispered in his ear, "Happy Birthday."

"So, Tobio-Chan, what do you want to do today! We can throw a party, go clubbing, or just hang with friends. Whatever you want!" Oikawa said cheerfully,(even though he already knew what awkward little Tobio-Chan wanted to do) releasing Kageyama from his grasp.

"I-I don't know..."

"How could you not know?! I heard that your friends were planning a party for you."

"Ok, so, I don't really feel like going to any parties today-"

"Nonsense! It is your party, and you're going." Oikawa flashed a charming smile and proceeded to drag Kageyama from the park they were previously in to the train station.


As soon as the two were off of the train, Oikawa pulled out a piece of fabric and tied it around Kageyama's eyes.

"O-Oikawa, what are you doing!"

"Blindfolding you. What does it look like?"

"Well I don't know what it looks like! You blindfolded me!" Kageyama yelled, and ended up being pushed down the road until he felt the warmth of a heated  building. "Where are we?", he asked.

"You'll see..." Oikawa brought Kageyama into an elevator then down a hallway.

  Then Kageyama heard the sound of a door being unlocked and opened. Oikawa nudged him into the doorway and took the blindfold off of Kageyama, allowing him to see his apartment, his completely-void-of-human-life apartment.

"Um, I thought you said there was going to be a party?" Kageyama asked confused but relieved.

"Well, they were going to, but I, being the wonderful and caring boyfriend that I am, told them not to." Oikawa replied while bringing Kageyama over to the overly-crowded-with-blankets-and-pillows-couch. He then went to the kitchen to grab a couple pork cutlet bowls, and a plate of meatbuns and set them on the coffee table. Grabbing the remote Oikawa turned on the tv to... A VOLLEYBALL DOCUMENTARY!(what a suprise)
"Oikawa." Kageyama said, his voice slightly muffled by the blankets and food.

"Hmm." Oikawa hummed.

"You set all this up right."


"How exactly  did you get in my apartment?"

"Umm, let's not worry about that." Oikawa said, hugging Kageyama closer to him. How does Tobio not remember giving me a key?

Kageyama responded with a quiet hum and thank you. As Kageyama leant his head down on Oikawa's shoulder be couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, it was a good thing that Oikawa remembered.

OiKage OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora