Don't you Dare pt. 1/2

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A/N this will pretty much just be the intro to the next one, basically background info. Also, the facts about Newt being expelled and continuing on at Hogwarts are true. His expulsion is never enforced, and is canon.


Falling in love sucks. Falling in love with someone who doesn't even acknowledge you exist sucks worse. You had known you were in love with Newt Scamander when you were only four years old.

You met through your parents. His mother bred hippogriffs and your mother nursed them. Being the only two females in their department, they quickly became friends. Which meant that they spent a lot of time together, and in turn, you and Newt.

Newt was your best friend, and pretty much your only friend before entering Hogwarts. As children you spent almost every waking hour together, catching small lizards and crawfish in creeks, or discovering new colonies of bugs in the forest.

When he went off to Hogwarts an entire year before you, you were devastated. You had no clue what to do with yourself while he was gone. But then you were finally old enough to run through platform 9 3/4. This year, you could go with him.

He was so excited to introduce you to his new friend, the first one he had made at Hogwarts last year. Leta was pretty and she seemed nice. You just couldn't help the feeling you got in the pit of your stomach whenever you saw her.

That feeling grew stronger in Newt's 6th year, when Leta started acting strange. You knew she was up to something but Newt just told you it was her business, and that she would tell you both when she was ready.

Then, of course, came the inevitable end. Whatever Leta had been up to eventually blew up in her face. She had been keeping a jarvey in a small box, enchanted with an expansion spell. It had escaped one night and put a few students in the infirmary.

Of course Newt, having been in love with Leta, took the blame. When you heard of the expulsion your heart stopped. You spent the better part if the night wailing your despair into your pillowcase. Imagine your shock the next day when you walked into the Great Hall for breakfast and saw him sitting at the table, saving your seat as usual.

According to Newt, professor Dumbledore had escorted him to the ministry to argue on his behalf. Being only a professor, he himself didn't have the power to overturn an expulsion, but he did have great influence in the ministry.

Newt had stopped hanging out with Leta, mostly due to her parents pulling her from Hogwarts. The great LeStrange's couldn't stand any negative publicity and had paid the press into silence.

The following year, Newt graduated and as a gift, you had bought him a suitcase enchanted with an expansion spell, inside being a small shack complete with a workbench and small cot. He had always talked about wanting to explore the world to find new beasts, and you figured he might need a place to work.

You were quite lonely your final year, living for the weekly letters you recieved from Newt. He would tell you all about his 'boring government job', wishing he could travel. When graduation rolled around you got a job working with your mother, saving up for an apartment and a more prominent career.

You eventually started work at the ministry, working once again beside Newt in the beast division. Not long after, he was commisioned to write a book on magical creatures and of course asked you to join him in his research.

Which leads us to today...

Again. I know. But so much has happened these last couple weeks that I couldn't think to write. I do have stuff coming though, and may try another project to help stimulate my brain. We'll see soon hopefully

Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEND REQUESTS!!!! I used to feel pushy asking writers for them, but they are honestly great and help me with ideas of what to write. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! Let me know what you want to see!


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