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Walking into the library that Thursday morning, i found a seat right in between you and Jack. Perfect.

I say what i fear... before someone judges me, i will point out my flaws. "eww my hair smells of smoke"

They both laughed. You touched my hair after i called it "straw". He also said that he liked it, but i feel like he was just being nice. He is nice.

"Everyone's costumes sorted?"

"Yep indeed, i'm going full Wizard" said Jack

"Yeah, you are going to love mine Cher, i am going to look so sexy, you won't know what to do with yourself"

I chuckled. Looked into your eyes and rolling them. We both knew that i secretly enjoyed this.


That evening, i was taking photos of myself in my outfit, i thought it was kind of cute. VERY modest, innocent... ew sometimes that word gets to me.

I was going to wear Eva's heels but luckily opted out. My dad and i DIY'd some old black shoes, sprayed them red, covered them in glitter and used some fixative.... they looked mighty cool.

Oh and if i hadn't mentioned before, i am dressing as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

I snapped you.

"Hey look at my shoes! I am so proud"

"They do look pretty awesome! Sorry can't talk for long, Greg is here, speak later"

"Aw ok cool, have fun you two!"

Tomorrow was going to be an say the least.

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